International Student High School Program

Finish high school at Everett Community College!

International students who have not yet completed secondary school (or high school) may be able to complete a Washington state high school diploma through EvCC's Transitional Studies Division. 

Your first step is to apply to EvCC as an international student. For help, contact EvCC's International Education Center at or 425-388-9980.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a citizen?

No, you don’t need to be a citizen. However, if you are in the United States with an F, M, H, J, L, TD, TN or B visa, you need to contact the International Education Center at 425-388-9980 for information about admissions to Everett Community College.

What is the minimum age requirement?

High School Completion is open to all students 18 years and older (in-person) and all students 16 years and older (online from home country).

What is the prior education requirement?

Open to all students, regardless of how many years of high school have been completed.

What are the admission requirements?

Complete EvCC's international student application procedures. (There will be an English placement test. If the student is not proficient in English, the student will be placed in the Intensive English Language Program.)

How long will it take to finish my high school diploma?

Most students who have finished the 11th grade in their home country can earn the high school diploma in an average of 2-3 quarters, depending on their English placement. We can give you an estimate of how long it will take after your high school transcripts have been evaluated by our High School Completion specialists. 

What are the transcript requirements?

You must submit transcripts for evaluation for all completed coursework that is equivalent to US grade levels 9, 10,11 and 12 (or any of those levels that you have completed). Transcripts must be translated and can be submitted along with your application. Math classes cannot be listed simple as “math.” They need to be specifically translated into the following math subjects: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-calculus, etc. Transcripts will be evaluated by the High School Completion personnel.

Can I take college classes in high school completion?

Yes. You will take a combination of high school and college courses to meet the requirements of the high school diploma. Some courses will be high school level only. Other courses will be college-level courses that can satisfy both high school and college requirements.

How are my high school courses determined?

The state of Washington high school diploma requires course credits in English, math, social studies, science, occupational education, physical education, art, and electives. Your high school transcripts will be evaluated to determine which courses you have already taken and which courses you will take at EvCC.

Do I have to take an exit exam to get my high school diploma?

Yes, in most cases, you will have to complete a test called the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE). This test covers writing, reading, math, and science. This test is required for students who started the ninth grade in the fall of 2004 and after. Students may also take the SAT or ACT. You also must complete a culminating, or senior, project. International students typically must take English 102 and public speaking (CMST220) to fulfill this requirement. A few other class options are available as alternatives. Academic advisors will work with students individually to ensure they take the courses that best suit their desired college major.

Do I have to take the SAT?

EvCC does not require that students take the SAT or ACT to earn their high school diploma. However, if students opt not to take the SAT or ACT exam they must sit for the HSPE (reading, writing, and EOC math portions). This exam is typically harder to administer and the results take longer to process. The HSPE, SAT and ACT are only required for students who are under the age of 21.

It is the policy of most universities to not require SAT or ACT scores after you obtain an associate degree. However, individual university admissions requirements will vary.

What if I don't have English proficiency yet?

If students come to EvCC with a level of English below the 101 level they will be accepted to our Intensive English Language Program. Students who test in to Level 3 (AEP 67, AEP 77, and AEP 97) and have at least a 2.0 GPA will be accepted into the High School Completion Program. The High School Completion program starts with Level 4 Academic Reading and Writing (AEP 98).

What are the course requirements for the High School Completion Program?

  • English
  • Math
  • Social Studies
  • U.S. History
  • Contemporary World Problems
  • Washington State History
  • Science
  • Occupational Education
  • Physical Education/Health
  • Fine Art
  • Electives

Other High School Graduation Requirements

  • Complete a High School and Beyond plan with an academic advisor
  • Passage of the state tests
  • Complete a Culminating Project

Placement Requirements:

  • English and math placement tests at Everett Community College
  • Evaluation of high school transcripts

Am I required to meet with an advisor?

High School Completion and degree advising are required prior to enrollment each quarter.

What is the minimum GPA and minimum credits required? 

Minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credits earned per quarter.

Who awards the high school diploma?

The Washington state high school diploma is issued by Everett Community College.