Knots, Loops and Spirals

Artist: Paul Vexler

Artist Statement: "The five sculptures that I have created for the Student Fitness Center are intended to evoke the rhythm and grace that is so often displayed in sports, dance, and physical conditioning in general. The wood ribbons that are used to create the forms can be shaped in an infinite number of ways. There are also an infinite number of shapes that they will not make because the materials will only allow bending in certain directions. This is not unlike the human body. The wood creates very graceful shapes because it distributes the bending stresses evenly, without kinking. The sculptures are hollow and light and have given me a greater insight into why things are shaped the way that they are. When connecting two sides and two edges, the shape of the thickened ribbon is a function of the individual shapes of its components. Straight is a very special case among a myriad of possibilities. 

Location: Walt Price Student Fitness Center

Related Information: Paul Vexler was chosen to commission site specific work for the Fitness Center. Vexler had previously loaned three wood sculptures to EvCC entitled "Whitehorse Helix" and these were exhibited in the Whitehorse critique space.

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