Vibrations Submission

CALL FOR ENTRIES Vibrations 2025

Entries Due By May 1, 2025

Selection and Notification

Limit 3 entries per student, use the form once for each entry.

A maximum of one entry will be accepted for publication. If your work is selected you will be asked to submit your original or high resolution digital work. Selections will be made around May 15, 2025. All entrants will be notified by email or phone.

** Required Fields

Please provide us with the following:
  • Specific Media
  • Dimensions, Height x Width x Depth in inches
  • A brief statement about your work.
Submit Entry by: Re-submit this form for each entry. A higher resolution image will be required if your work is chosen.

(5MB Submission File Limit)
  • All visual arts including website screen shots: JPG
  • Written entries: PDF Only
  • Music and other audio entries: MP3
Required Agreement: Entrants hereby agree that the above submission is their own work and it may be printed in the Vibrations Magazine, published on the web, and/or later used by Everett Community College.
Email me my submission entry code.

NOTE: Attachments are restricted to 5MB in size. Upon an entry being chosen for publication, a higher resolution image will be required. Please submit a new online form with each entry.