Student Spotlight - Athena Harper

What are you studying at Everett Community College?
I'm currently finishing up my Associate of Arts and Science DTA.
Why did you choose EvCC and the East County Campus?
I toured the EvCC main campus as a junior in high school, and decided my senior year that this is where I wanted to start my college education.

I was really encouraged by my mom to start my two years here at Everett first to save money. At the time, I was also considering going straight to WSU or the Seattle Art Institute, but realized I wasn't ready to go straight into a university, or be so far away from home.

I actually didn't know anything about the East County Campus until my mom also told me about it. Looking back on it, I think it's weird that I didn't hear anything about it considering that I graduated from Monroe High School, and live only a couple minutes away in the Fryelands.

The closeness of the East County Campus was also a huge deciding factor for me. The college was closer to me than my high school was. Also, free parking was a huge bonus for me. When I planned my first quarter everything seemed so perfect and easy. I literally had all my classes less than five minutes away.
Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? How? 
My boyfriend Ian, who is also an EvCC East County Campus student, has definitely helped me these last two years. We met on the first day of school and our relationship started soon after, and ever since he's been there to go through everything with me. We've also been able to take a lot of our classes together so that has been fun!

All of my teachers at East County Campus have also really helped me succeed. I have liked every single one of teachers I have had, and I think that means a lot. All of my teachers have been good and engaging teachers, kind, funny, and have made me feel cared for and acknowledged out of the classroom as well. My teachers always stop and say hi to me when they see me, or ask me how my I'm doing, even if I'm not currently one of their students.

Some stand out ones I've had are Heidi Weiss-Green for my math classes, and Katharine Ogle for my English and Literature classes. They have really gone out of their way to help me be as successful as I can as a student. Both Heidi and Katharine have helped me as advisers and plan out my classes each quarter. Not only did they help me figure out what classes I needed, but they helped me find classes that also sounded fun to me, and that I could also take at the East County Campus.

Nora in the main office has also been so helpful. She is so kind, and genuinely cares about how I'm doing in school. When I have questions, I know I can always count on her to help me out! Whether I go in person to ask, or call her she always helps me figure things out, or if she can't, she points me in the direction of someone who can.

The staff at the East County Campus have honestly made my two years there so great. I love going to school there because of how encouraging and helpful they all are. And it makes me happy knowing that when I come to school that staff actually knows my name, and care about how I'm doing, and having great teachers and staff makes attending school so much better. It feels great that I can come to school every day and know that everyone there is ready to help me with anything that I need.
What do you plan to do next?
I plan on attending Western Washington University in the fall for journalism. I have already been accepted into the school and have begun the transfer process.
Describe the best experience you had at EvCC. 
The best experiences I had at EvCC were attending their movie nights at Galaxy theaters! They were put on by our East County Campus Student LIFE coordinator, who was so nice and funny and friendly. I loved getting together with people from my classes for a movie night :)
What advice do you have for students like you? 
My advice would be to not be afraid to reach out to teachers/staff for help because they really are there to help you succeed, and genuinely care about their students! I have experienced it for myself firsthand.