Student Spotlight - Danielle Elliott

Danielle Elliott wants to be a high school counselor who helps students succeed academically and psychologically, like her counselors helped her. She started her college education at EvCC's East County Campus, which is close to her home near Monroe, and she has also taken some online classes. "I love that EvCC offers a great education where students can take diverse classes while exploring their options," she said.

What motivated you to attend college?

I received some parental pressure to get an education beyond high school, but I knew pretty early on in middle school that I wanted to pursue a career in education. I was involved in choir, and I was a section leader. Being a section leader, I was responsible for helping and supporting the students in my section. My love for helping and supporting students coupled with my desire to work in education inspired me to pursue a degree in psychology. I eventually want to be a high school counselor.

What are the benefits of attending EvCC?

The slogan “Stay Close...Go Far” really resonates with me. When I graduated high school, I wasn’t in a place emotionally or financially to go to a four-year college. I love that EvCC offers a great education where students can take diverse classes while exploring their options.

What advice do you have for students who are learning online for the first time? 

It's really important when you're taking online classes that if you're able to make a schedule or plan of what to do and when to do it, YOU DO IT. I feel like people have a misconception that online classes are not as difficult or more lenient, but it's just the same as a class on campus. It's really easy to procrastinate so it's really important you teach yourself self-discipline and take it upon yourself to know when things are due or to contact your instructor when you have any questions.

What equipment (computer, etc.) do you have at home for online learning? 

I use my laptop for a large majority of my classwork, but I also found it helpful to download the Canvas Student app onto my smartphone so I can check updates or do quizzes while I'm out and about. Usually when I am working, I have my laptop and my class textbooks. I also suggest using online learning centers like, Khan Academy for example, if you are interested in extra help.

When do you graduate, and what are your plans after graduating?

I am graduating with my Associate in Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement in Psychology in Spring 2020. I am planning to transfer to Western Washington or Central Washington University to get a master’s degree in school counseling. 

Why did you choose this career? 

I wanted to pursue a career in counseling because I have a passion for helping students succeed academically. I had a very difficult time my junior and senior years of high school, and counselors at my high school were extremely helpful. I also understand that students need support outside of their academics. They need psychological support too. I believe that counselors should take care of the academic and psychological needs of students, so students are able to succeed. 

Why did you choose to take classes at East County?

I had just recently graduated from high school, so the small community and small class sizes were attractive. I live close to Monroe so commute wise it made sense to attend East County. I think if I have started at the EvCC main campus in Everett, it would have been very overwhelming as the classes are larger, and there is more traffic to navigate to get to class. 

What advice do you have for new students at East County? What about current students?

My advice to both new and current students would be to make friends and create study groups. It makes a difference when you have support. For incoming students, I would say give the smaller campuses a chance. It’s an excellent way to start your education as it eases you into the challenges of attending a four year college. It’s a good start for Running Start students and students who are returning to school after being in the workforce. For them it offers a familiar location, smaller class sizes, and a supportive community. For those who are returning to school, they are able to go to class and then go to work. It makes it convenient for them. 

Would you recommend East County to new students? Why or why not?

It’s a smaller college so it helps alleviate the stress of starting at a new school. I would call it the “Goldilocks” of campuses. It serves the needs of all students. It’s not too far, and not too close.

What is your favorite East County memory?

I remember taking an 8 a.m. public speaking class, and some of my classmates and I got Subway on campus. We then went to the Chill Spot to go practice our speech. It was just nice to be able to study, vent and support each other. We were all incredibly nervous but it was nice to have a shared experience with my classmates. Creating a community and knowing that we all have similar feelings and experiences is important. 

How is East County preparing you for the next step?

It’s a good way to get your foot in the door, and it provides you with an opportunity to understand what college life is like.