Student Spotlight - Grace Elliott

For Grace Elliott, EvCC's East County Campus in Monroe is close to home, and she loves her classes and teachers. She's earning high school and college credits at the same time - tuition-free - through Running Start. She's getting the classes she needs to transfer to a four-year university in Monroe. "My average class here is about 20 students, and that is smaller than some of my high school classes," Grace says. "In smaller classes, I am able to learn better, make friends easier, and form study groups."

What motivated you to go to college?

As a first-generation college student, I was very interested in furthering my education. I wanted to be surrounded by people like myself who also had a desire to learn. My mom was able to get a job right after finishing high school, and my dad went into a trade and attended operator school. My parents are very supportive of me getting my associates degree and my bachelor’s degree.

I found out about the benefits of attending Running Start (in which high school juniors and seniors can take college classes tuition free) very early on in the 4th grade. I was so intrigued by the program that I made sure I could take advantage of this program in high school. I had to strategically plan out my schedule in high school so I could take advantage of Running Start.

Why are you studying at EvCC? What do you plan to do next?

I really like the East County Campus because of its closeness to Sultan and Gold bar. There aren’t many post high school options in such rural areas. When deciding to do Running start, I was given the option of going to Bellevue or EvCC. Obviously, because of the closeness, I chose EvCC, and the teachers are really amazing.  

I am earning my DTA and will finish in Summer 2020. I am still evaluating what four year college I want to attend, but I likely either want to study business or education. I am considering studying education as I want to be a professor and later become a Dean of Students. As a student, I have learned the value that people in education have in shaping the lives of students. I would love to have that type of job.

Why did you choose EvCC's East County Campus in Monroe?

It’s close to home, and I find that it’s much easier to cultivate a community here. I have formed really good friendships with students outside of my high school. My average class here is about 20 students, and that is smaller than some of my high school classes.

In smaller classes, I am able to learn better, make friends easier, and form study groups. There is a true sense of we are all in this together and we are here to help each other. I also love the Chill Spot. I use this space to study, too. I really enjoy all of my classes here. Sandy Lepper is my advisor, and I had her for my College Success course. Prior to meeting with her, I never considered taking an art class. She encouraged me to take her art class. It’s nice that there are so many possibilities here, and that instructors can expose you to different classes. 

What advice do you have for students at East County?

Get in touch with an advisor and figure out your degree plan. The school is small enough to where you can talk to your professors and classmates on a regular basis. 

What is your favorite East County memory?

As a Running Start student, I had to take the Accuplacer test. I remember being a complete nervous wreck when I came in to take the test at East County. I didn’t know what to expect, and I was so focused on getting the best score possible. I remember Nora Davis at the front desk who helped calm and ease my nerves and really made me feel less stressed. All of the staff and teachers here are great and always willing to ensure students have what they need to succeed. 

What activities are you involved in at East County?

I am the new Student LIFE coordinator here at East County, and was hired in mid April. As a Student LIFE coordinator, I will be planning, marketing and facilitating student events and activities. I am really excited to help build the community here and provide opportunities for East County students to be connected to the main campus. I think involvement outside of classes is important. I have found that students who are involved outside of academics are more likely to be involved and engaged inside the classroom. 

Would you recommend East County? Why or why not?

Yes, I would. We have small classes, free parking, and because we are so small, I really enjoy having classes with the same people. For instance, I may take one class and have the same people in my next class. It makes the environment so much more welcoming, and it’s easier to adjust to college life when you are seeing the same people on a regular basis.

How is East County preparing you for the next step?

I am getting the classes I need for my DTA to be able to transfer to a four year university. As a Student LIFE coordinator, I am able to make valuable connections with staff, faculty and students. I am meeting people who care about my success and on whom I can rely.