Student Spotlight - Laurie Yoakum

Laurie Yoakum was at the Sultan Shindig when she learned about Everett Community College’s East County Campus in Monroe. She was able to start her associate degree because the campus was close to home. By working part-time, she can attend school part-time. It’s not easy keeping up with work and school - or getting enough sleep - but she says the people here are really helpful, and that’s one reason she recommends the campus to her friends. 

Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Laurie Yoakum, and I am actually from Tennessee. I graduated high school in 2015 and am working on an associate degree in arts and sciences. 

What motivated you to go to college? 
My grandparents actually, as when I moved out here I had made a deal with them that I would go to school or work. Well it ended up that I needed work to go to school. So I started doing both.

Why did you choose Everett Community College and the East County Campus? 
I chose Everett because it was close to where I lived at the time, Gold Bar. I actually got the information from a booth at the Sultan Shindig, where I learned that there was a campus in Monroe.

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? How? 
All the wonderful people at the East County Campus, especially counselor Deanna Skinner. Deanna helped me in more ways than just helping sort out my classes as she was my counselor when I needed one. (Deanna meets with students every Thursday at East County Campus for academic advising, career guidance, and student success counseling. She is usually available 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and sometimes in the evening. To make an appointment, call 425-259-8732.)

Everyone else there was so helpful such as Program Coordinator Nora Davis and Instruction and Classroom Support Technician Karen McPeters. And the teachers are great too, such as Math Instructor Heidi Weiss-Green. 

Laurie Yoakum with East County Campus program coordinator Nora Davis
Laurie with East County Campus program coordinator Nora Davis

Would you recommend the EvCC East County Campus to others who are deciding where to attend college? 
I already do it. Every time when a friend mentions looking into going to college, I always jump and recommend EvCC. I just tell them that Everett is a great college. Most of my friends are LGBTQA friendly so telling how much pride EvCC has is a big point I use. I tell them that the East County Campus is good for people who like a more quiet place. 

Describe a student who would benefit from attending classes at East County Campus. 
Anyone who lives in the Gold Bar to Monroe area who doesn't want to make a trip to Everett. Also, it is good for anyone who would rather have a smaller class.

What advice do you have for students like you? 
Plan and don't put things off until the last minute. Make a to-do list and STICK to it. I know from experience to do this. I myself am still working towards it.

What is your biggest challenge with working while going to college? 
Getting the amount of sleep I need and keeping up with my work as well.