Student Spotlight - Tyler McAfee

What motivated you to attend college?

Going to college was always important to me. Most of my family had gone through college, and they are Washington State University graduates. I wanted to further myself and I recognize that having a college degree puts you ahead in terms of finding a job. Most jobs require some form of post high school education so that is important. I am pursuing my DTA in Biology at Everett Community College and will then be attending WSU Pullman for my Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry.

Why did you choose EvCC? 

I love the array of options in courses. You can take diverse classes, and as someone who worked while attending school, I liked the timing of my classes. I was able to work and also go to school. It was great to have a flexible education.

When do you graduate and what are your plans after graduating? Why did you choose this career?

I will be graduating in Fall 2020 with my DTA in Biology. My whole life is oriented around the outdoors. I love activities like hiking, skiing and fishing. I was never interested in an office job as I can’t sit behind the desk. I like hands on projects that allow me to be interactive. 

Why did you choose to take classes at East County?

East County is attractive because it offers students smaller class sizes. You receive more one-on-one attention from faculty. Because the classes are smaller, you also feel more connected to students in your classes and it’s easier to foster those connections, and build your network. I live in Snohomish so the location is ideal. The commute from here to Everett can be long so it’s a very convenient location. It’s much easier to get from Snohomish to Monroe. 

What advice do you have for new students at East County? What about current students?

My advice to new and current students is to be prepared to interact and get to know people. At smaller campuses, you have the opportunity to be social. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s a smaller campus so faculty really get to know you here and it’s easier to seek them out. Cobi Seslar,  my English instructor is so insightful. She advised me to take English 102 as she knew I had an interest in Forestry. English 102 was focused on sustainability and land use. It wasn’t just a normal research and writing course; we actually had the opportunity to get out and see nature. That really helped solidify my interest in Forestry. 

Would you recommend East County to new students? Why or why not?

Yes, this campus is critical to this area due to ease of access, and for students who are unable to travel to Everett. East County is also more affordable because you are spending less money on gas and not paying for parking. The slogan, “stay close, go far” fits well for people who reside in East County.

What is your favorite East County memory?

I don’t have a favorite memory per say but I have really enjoyed getting to know my classmates personally. 

How is East County preparing you for the next step?

It is teaching me the importance of seeking out resources and fostering good relationships with faculty and staff. The knowledge that faculty and staff have shared with me is much appreciated as college can be very confusing. Hearing from faculty about what classes to take, and ideas on what field I should enter has been very rewarding.