PSW Reading Series Archives 2007-2008

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All readings free and open to the public
for more info contact Kevin Craft
425-388-9395 or

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 1 p.m.
Molly Tenenbaum & David Ripper
Baker Hall 120
Everett Community College

Molly TenenbaumMolly Tenenbaum is the author of Now (Bear Star Press, 2007), By a Thread (Van West & Co, 2000), and of the chapbooks Blue Willow, Old Voile, and Story. A 2007 Hedgebrook resident and participant in the 2007 Jack Straw Writers Program, she plays old-time stringband music with two bands, The Queen City Bulldogs and Dram County. Her old-time banjo CD is Instead of a Pony. She lives in Seattle, teaching music in the living room and English at North Seattle Community College.

David RipperDavid Ripper has been writing verse since he was a kid and had two limericks published in a school newsletter when in fifth or sixth grade. In the late 60s and the 70s, he published some number of poems, a few in known journals (Ball State Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Ohio Review) but mostly in tiny publications now long since defunct (Sunday Clothes, Escutcheon, Marginal Review, and others). Sometime in his thirties, he stopped publishing, but has continued to write and occasionally do public readings. He lives in Mukilteo and teaches English at Everett Community College.

Wednesday, March 12  2008, 7 p.m.
Rick Barot & James Hoch
Baker Hall 120
Everett Community College

Rick BarotRick Barot was born in the Philippines and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. His first book, The Darker Fall, was the winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry and was published by Sarabande Books in 2002.  His new book, Want, will be published by Sarabande in early 2008.  His poems and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including New England Review, The New Republic, Poetry, and Virginia Quarterly Review. His work has also appeared in many anthologies, including The New Young American Poets, Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation, and Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Stanford University .  He lives in Tacoma, Washington and teaches both in the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and at Pacific Lutheran University.

James HochJames Hoch has worked as a dishwasher, cook, dockworker, social worker and shepherd. His poems have appeared in SlateKenyon Review, Gettysburg, Ninth Letter, Carolina Quarterly, Virginia Quarterly Review and many others. He is the recipient of fellowships and scholarships from Bread Loaf, Sewanee, and Summer Literary Seminars, and received a 2007 NEA grant as well as a grant from the PA Council on the Arts. His books include Miscreants (WW Norton, 2007) and A Parade of Hands, which won the 2002 Gerald Cable Award from Silverfish Review Press. Originally from Collingswood, NJ, he resides in Mahwah, NJ with his wife and son. He has taught at Franklin and Marshall College and Lynchburg College. Currently, he teaches at Ramapo College of NJ.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 7 p.m.
Daniel Orozco & Maya Sonenberg
Russell Day (Northlight) Gallery, Parks Union Building
Everett Community College

Dan OrozcoDaniel Orozco's work has appeared in the Best American Essays, Best American Short Stories, Best American Mystery Stories and Pushcart Prize anthologies, as well as in Harper's Magazine, Zoetrope, McSweeney's, and others. He is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship.  He teaches in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Idaho.



Maya SonenbergMaya Sonenberg's fiction explores the pivot point between experimentation, self-reflection, and seduction. She is now working on two books, a fiction and nonfiction melange about the late 1960's and a collection of short-shorts, about parents and children. Her second collection of stories, Voices from the Blue Hotel, was published by Chiasmus Press in 2006. Her first collection, Cartographies, received the Drue Heinz Literature Prize. She received her MFA from Brown University and lives in Seattle where she directs the Creative Writing Program at the University of Washington.