Engineering Outcomes

The Engineering Department supports the college-wide Core Learning Outcomes, in addition to promoting the following program-specific outcomes:

Demonstrate analytical problem solving skills

  • Use chains of reasoning derived from fundamental mathematical and scientific principles to predict behavior of the natural world.
  • Perform numerical and symbolic calculations using algebra and calculus.
  • Use dimensional analysis to solve problems and check results.
  • Convert between measurement units.
  • Interpret graphical presentations of the behavior of systems, functions, and data.

Apply scientific processes

  • Demonstrate an understanding that science is based upon patterns discovered in the natural world.
  • Demonstrate an understanding that science makes progress by continually testing its theories.
  • Design effective experiments to test scientific theories and models.
  • Use graphs and tables to find patterns in the measured behavior of physical systems.
  • Estimate uncertainties in scientific measurements and calculate how they propagate.

Collaborate effectively

  • Work in a team of students to complete projects.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of effective teamwork principles.
  • Actively participate in developing an effective project team.
  • Document collaborative processes.

Communicate technical information

  • Construct graphs according to accepted standards of presentation.
  • Prepare and deliver oral presentations involving technical and scientific concepts.
  • Write proofs using mathematical concepts.
  • Prepare written reports to present and interpret the results of experiments.

Apply engineering design processes

  • Formulate open-ended design problems in terms of specific constraints and performance objectives.
  • Generate multiple compelling alternative solutions to a design problem.
  • Develop and analyze mathematical models of structures and systems.
  • Employ appropriate software tools to model design behavior.
  • Use technical sketching and computer-aided design software to communicate design information.
  • Apply and document iterative design processes to develop a design from conceptualization to a refined prototype.