Exploratory Pathways

Undecided on what to study or which career to pursue?

The Exploratory Pathway will help you examine potential programs and careers while making progress toward an Associate Degree, like the Associate in Arts and Sciences - Direct Transfer Agreement degree.

Meet Your Exploratory Pathways Coach: Daniela Le Meur

What is a Pathways Coach?
The pathways coach provides a safe and non-judgemental space with a one-on-one interaction between a pathways coach and the student. They encourage positive support to reduce stress and facilitate action for improvement. Pathways coaches facilitate the discovery of appropriate tools and techniques that best motivate students to propel their success, enhance learning, and reach significant milestones. Students learn vital strategies, such as building positive time management and study systems, creating a healthy life and academic balance, and establishing beneficial support networks. Students become empowered and understand how to unite their major and career choices to their passions and individual values. 

How will your Pathways Coach support you?
Help you build connections and foster a sense of belonging.
Support you in your academic journey, from start to finish, helping you navigate your college experience.
Work together with you to access academic resources and services.
Support you in developing a success plan to address study and time management skills.

Learn more about the different classes to explore, actions to take, and available resources:

Introductory Exploratory Courses

ACCT110: Small Business Accounting
ANTH116: Cultures in Context
BIOL&100: Survey of Biology
BUS& 101: Introduction to Business
CHEM&121: Introduction to Chemistry (Allied Health) or CHEM&140: General Chemistry Prep with Lab (STEM)
CJ&101: Introduction to Criminal Justice
CL101: Computer Literacy
CMST&210: Interpersonal Communication
ECED&105: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECON101: Understanding Economics
FIRE101: Introduction to Fire Science
GS101: Introduction to Global Studies
HDEV110: Career and Life Planning (3 credits) *If not taken in Quarter 1
HIST&146, 147, or 148: US History I, II, or III
HCM101: Introduction to Healthcare Careers
JOURN101: Introduction to Journalism
MUSC&105: Music Appreciation
PHOTO110: Introduction to Digital Photography
POLS&101: Introduction to Political Science
PSYC&100: Introduction to Psychology
STEM103: Introductory Scripting using Python
World Languages (ASL, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish)

Suggested Courses Sequence and Actions to Take

This sample plan assumes that you will enroll full-time. However, you can develop an individualized plan with your advisor to best meet your needs and situation.

Quarter 1

Classes (12-15 Credits)

  • COLL 101: College Success or STEM 101: College Success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) (2 credits)
  • HDEV 110: Career & Life Planning (3 credits) 
  • Introductory course in an interest area (5 credits – see list below) 
  • English based on placement (5 credits) or
  • Math based on placement (5 credits), up to:
    • Math&107 or 146 for possible interest in non-STEM fields (e.g., Art, Humanities, Education)
    • Math&141 for possible interest in STEM fields (e.g., Computer Science, Biology, Engineering)

Exploration Activities

Quarter 2

Classes (13-15 Credits)

  • Introductory course in an interest area (5 credits - see list below)
  • HDEV 110: Career & Life Planning (3 credits) *If not taken in the first quarter.
  • English based on placement (5 credits)
  • Math based on placement (5 credits), up to:
    • Math&107 or 146 for possible interest in non-STEM fields (e.g., Art, Humanities, Education)
    • Math&141 for possible interest in STEM fields (e.g., Computer Science, Biology, Engineering)

Exploration Activities

  • Continue with exploration activities from Quarter 1, plus:
  • Informational interviews with people or faculty in your field of interest
  • Job shadow someone in your field of interest
  • Volunteer in an area of interest
  • Look for a part-time job in your area of interest
  • Transfer into a pathway of interest, if you are ready

Tools and Resources to Help You Explore

We encourage you to take the Career Coach Assessment to help discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests.
Once you have a better idea of what you want to study, you can move into one of EvCC’s pathways specific to your interests.

Still need to get your high school diploma or GED? Visit our Transitional Studies page

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