Graduation RSVP

RSVP for Graduation

The deadline to RSVP to participate is May 12 2025. Graduates who RSVP after this date will be added to the participation list until we reach capacity.

Please Note: your name and email may be provided to Graduation Day photographers in effort to send you information about your photos. If you would like to opt out of sharing this information, please contact Student LIFE.

Everett Community College Graduates

Forgot your ctcLink ID?

Yes! I plan on participating.
No, I won't be participating.

If "Yes", please contact Paul Arithi, Director of the Center for Disability Services at or 425.388.9273 .
required fields

The deadline to RSVP to participate in the Graduation Celebration using the above form is May 12 2025. Students who did not meet this deadline are still required to RSVP and will be added to the participation list until capacity is reached. Please contact Student LIFE at for more information about RSVP's after the deadline.

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