Annual Mentoring Conference

The 5th Annual Mentoring Conference has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The theme for the 5th Annual Mentoring Conference was "Starting, Sustaining, Innovating."

For questions related to the cancelation of this event, please email

Helpful Travel and Lodging Information:

Previous Conference Information:

The 4th Annual Mentoring Conference was held Friday, April 12, 2019. The theme "New Dimensions" was very popular!

2019 Conference Program

Pre-Conference workshop: "Designing a Successful Mentor Training" was held on Thursday, April 11, 2019 9am-4:30pm.

2019 Session Materials

Session Title Presenters
Session I Mentoring is Everyone's Responsibility Marivy Vasquez, Adrian Chavez, Perla Chavez, Andrea Picardal, Joel Manzo (Yakima Valley College)
Session I Faculty Student Mentor Programs: Meeting the needs of students first  Esther Pais (San Antonio College)
Session I Navigating a Difficult Mentoring Relationship Peg Balachowski & Sharon Lewis (Everett Community College)
Session II Alamo Advise Model  Dr. Tamara Anderson (Alamo Colleges)
Session II Navigating a Difficult Mentoring Relationship  Peg Balachowski & Sharon Lewis (Everett Community College)
Session II Peer-to-Peer Mentoring through Employee Racial Caucusing Groups  Jackson Shultz & Lisa Jones (Everett Community College)
Session II Self-Mentoring: Sparking Joy  Kimi Crombie (Everett Community College)
Session III Stealth Mentoring through a Personal User's Manual Stephanie Delaney (South Seattle College)
Session III Mentoring Across Divides: Disrupting Assumptions, Revealing Wealth  Jacob Nanfito (Seattle Goodwill/ Connect Casino Road)
Session III Self-Mentoring: Sparking Joy  Kimi Crombie (Everett Community College)
Session IV Comprehensive Peer Mentor training ensures mentor success  Mary Butcher, Erica Swenson & Seth Deister (Green River College)
Session IV Holistic STEM mentoring: applications and lessons learned  Ardi Kveven (Everett Community College)
Session IV Lessons Learned from a Trauma Informed Mentoring Program  Rachel Kittle (Executive Director of Leadership Launch)

PDFs (all sessions) 

The EvCC Mentoring Conference is a full day of speakers and workshops focused on sharing best practices, bright ideas and both individual and institutional experiences with mentoring. This is a rare opportunity to build networks and share ideas with colleagues involved in mentoring across our region.

Previous Conference Programs:

2018: Relationship Building
2017: 2nd Annual Mentoring Conference
2016: 1st Annual Mentoring Conference

Questions? Email

photo of EvCC employees

Disruptive Innovation Mentoring at EvCC