Volunteer and Moderator Information

Sign up now!

We still have room for volunteers and moderators (EvCC students) to serve at the Students of Color Career Conference on March 27! EvCC students, sign up here. Volunteers, sign up here


Please sign up for and attend an orientation meeting. What you can expect: 

  • Discuss a detailed agenda for the day of the conference.
  • Discuss your assigned role(s) and meet your group lead(s).
  • Get answers to any questions you may have.

Attend one orientation at the Walt Price Fitness Center at EvCC: 

  • 10-11:30 a.m. Thursday, March 20
  • 3-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 25

If you are unable to attend, please complete the form to notify us and confirm your attendance on the day of the conference. For any questions, please contact Flor Reyes at: soccc@everettcc.edu to make other arrangements.

Conference Details

On the day of the conference, please arrive for your assigned shift and park in Lot E. Accessible parking is available in Lot G or Lot N. Volunteer/ Moderator Parking Map