Mandatory Reporting

By law, all EvCC Employees must report child abuse at the first opportunity, and never later than 48 hours after the employee has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect.

Academic, Administrative and Athletic employees, including student employees, must make any report directly to 1-866-363-4276, Washington State's toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week hotline that will connect you directly to the appropriate local office to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Call this number AFTER you fill out the information below. All other employees must make any report directly to the Vice President of Administrative Services via phone, in-person or email.

If you need to file a report, complete the Mandatory Reporting form below with as much information as is available to you as soon after the event is possible. Do NOT question the child or parent. Encourage others who have witnessed anything to make their own reports. Afterwards, add notes about any additional questions intake may ask you. Keep a copy of the report for your files, and give a copy to the Vice President of Administrative Services.

Mandatory Reporting Form Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse policy Acrobat PDF Reader Icon 
Early Learning Center Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Procedure Acrobat PDF Reader Icon