College Employee Awards Criteria

George Shuh Outstanding Faculty, Exempt, and Classified Staff Awards

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Currently employed member of the faculty, administration, or classified staff.
  • Full or part-time.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to excellence in job performance (give examples of effectiveness, innovation, dedication, etc.).
  • Makes a significant impact on the College (give examples of involvement, attitude, helpfulness, etc.).

Extra Effort Award

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Currently employed member of the faculty, classified staff, or administration.
  • Full-time or part-time.
  • Goes beyond the expectations of his or her job to serve the institution.
  • Exhibits a spirit of cooperation and willingness to help others (give specific examples).

Diversity Award

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Currently employed member of the faculty, classified staff, or administration either as individuals or as formalized internal college groups such as campus committees or councils.
  • Full-time or part-time.
  • Displays consistent interest in and active support of diversity; seeks and promotes interaction with and between groups with differing ideologies, cultures, socioeconomic status, etc.
  • Utilizes available resources in ways which include diversity.

Emerging Classified Staff Award

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Member of the Classified Staff with at least one year of service and less than a total of five years of service as of January 1st of the year of the award.
  • Full-time or part-time.
  • Demonstrates commitment to Everett Community College by virtue of outstanding short-term performance in support of the College's goals. Special projects, creative ideas, exceptional support of others are examples.

Distinguished Classified Staff Award

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Member of the Classified Staff with at least five years of service as of January 1st of the year of the award.
  • Full-time or part-time.
  • Demonstrates extraordinary dedication to the fulfillment of the campus goals and mission.
  • Provides high quality service to the college and community over an extended period of time.

You Made a Difference Award

Administered by Office for College Advancement

  • Nominations for this award are received from students. Nominees are those staff currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC.
  • The person nominated can be a member of the faculty, staff or administration. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the You Made a Difference award.

Exceptional Faculty Awards

Nominations and awards are managed through the Exceptional Faculty Awards Committee.

Exceptional faculty awards are made to academic employees who demonstrate exceptional, noteworthy accomplishments in carrying out their professional activities. The awards granted are to enable recipients to pursue opportunities for individual professional development, promoting exceptional student outcomes, and program enhancement at Everett Community College. The Exceptional Faculty Award program is an ongoing program funded by state and Foundation money and is not intended to replace existing awards.

Full-time and part-time academic employees who have completed at least two FTE years of academic employment for the district may apply or be nominated individually or collectively. An award recipient cannot submit a new application for a period of three years subsequent to the award. Exceptional Faculty Awards committee members are not eligible.

The award amount shall be a maximum of $5000 per individual or group of three or more applicants.

The application essay will demonstrate that the nominee will have met ONE or more of the following criteria:

  • Exceptional professional accomplishments and contributions to one's discipline. The applicant will have demonstrated:
    • Praiseworthy scholarly, academic or technical contributions to one's field.
    • Leadership in and extensive service to professional organizations.
    • Recognition by professional peers.
  • Exceptional classroom performance and student impact. he applicant will have demonstrated:
    • Creation of a classroom environment that motivates students in learning, critical thinking and creative discourse.
    • Innovation and currency in pedagogy and content in the classroom.
    • Exemplary mentoring and special assistance to students.
    • High levels of empathy for and inclusiveness of all students in various campus settings.
    • Extensive leadership and service in student and community groups, especially those promoting diversity.
  • Exceptional professional contributions to the college or community. he applicant will have demonstrated:
    • Outstanding service to the college or community beyond his/her contractual duties.
    • Innovative leadership in campus and community groups and organizations.

Advisor of the Year

Administered by Student Activities

  • Nominations for this award are received from students.
  • Nominees are those advisors currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Advisor of the Year award.

Staff of the Year

Administered by Student Activities

  • Nominations for this award are received from students.
  • Nominees are staff members currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Staff of the Year award.

Faculty of the Year

Administered by Student Activities

  • Nominations for this award are received from students.
  • Nominees are faculty members currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Faculty of the Year award.

Work Study Supervisor of the Year

Administered by Student Financial Services

  • Nominations for this award are received from work study students.
  • Nominees are staff members currently employed by EvCC who currently supervise work study students. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Work Study Supervisor of the Year award.

Making a Difference for Students Award

Administered by Diversity & Equity Students

  • Nominations for this award are received from Diversity & Equity students.
  • Nominees are staff members currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Making a Difference for Students Award.

Outstanding Faculty/Staff Awards

Administered by Diversity & Equity Students

  • Nominations for this award are received from Diversity & Equity students.
  • Nominees are staff members currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Outstanding Faculty/Staff award.

TRiO Faculty/Staff of the Year

Administered by TRiO Students

  • Nominations for this award are received from TRiO students.
  • Nominees are staff members currently employed by EvCC who made a difference in a TRiO student's life while attending EvCC. One or two paragraphs are submitted to explain why the person deserves the Outstanding Faculty/Staff of the Year award.

TRiO Tutor Recognition

Administered by TRiO Students

  • TRiO Students recognize all tutors who have helped them during the current academic year.