Classified Staff Training Committee

Classified Staff Training Committee logoThe Classified Training Committee is in place to fulfill the State of Washington rules and regulations concerning employee training and development for classified staff at Everett Community College.


The goals of the Classified Staff Training Committee are to:

  • Provide opportunities for professional growth and development
  • Provide opportunities for improving staff performance and morale
  • Promote job satisfaction
  • Increase staff awareness of training opportunities
  • Encourage participation by all employees

Training activities will be planned and approved by the Classified Staff Training Committee based on the following priorities:

  1. Training to improve performance and productivity in current positions
  2. Training to improve working relations and communication among departments and staff
  3. Training to provide employees with new skills and knowledge to meet technological and/or other program changes
  4. Training to prepare employees for possible future promotional opportunities with the college or system


Resources for Classified Staff training include:

  • Release time or alternate work schedules
  • State or Federal assistance with tuition and fees
  • Board of Trustees approved tuition waiver policy
  • College budget funds, grants and other funds designated for this purpose
  • College sponsored training, workshops, classes and seminars

Professional Development Funds for Classified Staff

  • Each fiscal year (July-June) classified staff are eligible for $300 reimbursement toward professional development. Requests must be submitted by June 1st.
  • Reimbursement may be requested for tuition, fees, books, conference registration, professional organization membership fees, examinations, certifications, and travel expenses related to approved training. 
  • Fill out a Classified Staff Request for Training Funds, attach proof of payment and send to For more details and to apply, see Classified Staff Training Procedure (PDF).

2024-25 Committee Members

Alisha Miller Chair  Cosmetology
Lisa Fritch Member AMTEC
Paul Good Member AMTEC
Eleanor Hall Member Student Success Technology
Kimi Hanson Member, Past Chair MarCom
Azrael Howell Member Business & Applied Technology
Lobna Mazzawi Member Communication and Social Sciences
Megan Blomquist HR Liaison Human Resources

For more information, email

College employees seeking training opportunities or additional information may visit the Intranet's Classified Staff Training Committee page.