Leader Spotlight - Shelby Burke

Shelby Burke

Name: Shelby Burke
Title: Vice President of Finance

What do you do at EvCC?

I oversee all aspects of the College’s business that have a financial component. This includes administering annual budget development, leading the outstanding College Financial Services employees (Accounting, Budget, Cashiering, Logistics Operations), co-chairing the Budget Advisory Group, and keeping the President and Board of Trustees up-to-date on college finances. I also prepare monthly and yearly reports, work with auditors, and convene the Audit Committee at board meetings. 

What is your favorite part of the job?

I like looking back on the year that has just ended and seeing how well we stayed true to our budget. Budget development is a large collaboration across the College that takes months to prepare and execute. Once it is done, you get to look back on your last year that just ended and reflect on all that hard work and how well your estimates played out. It is like a big puzzle and once you finish it you can look back at the beautiful picture we created. 

What is the most exciting or inspiring thing you're working on right now?

I am continually working on aligning our budget development process to our strategic plan. More specifically, I love working with those making budget requests to see how new ideas can make a strategic equity impact.  

What's the best-kept secret about Everett?

It’s the employees! The employees that work at Everett Community College are very dedicated to the institution and the common goal of helping students succeed. It sounds cliché, but I have never witnessed an institution with such committed employees who aren’t here for the notoriety or the salary but here for their genuine passion for the mission of supporting community college students.