Alumni Spotlight - Lukas Poischbeg

Lukas Poischbeg readily admits that EvCC played a significant role in developing the person he is today. “My first day on campus was very influential in my decision making process,” he says. “The faculty members and advisors I initially met with became a huge impact on my success at EvCC.” After leaving EvCC with his associate’s degree, Lukas transferred to the University of Washington, while also starting his first contract as a professional dancer in Disney’s “Newsies” with Village Theater. Today, he resides in Hamburg, Germany, where he is pursuing a career in theater while also teaching dance and musical theater. “The motto, ‘Stay Close, Go Far’ will always resonate with me,” he enthuses. “I am now in Germany at 19 years old with a bachelor’s degree, pursuing my dreams!”

What is your current occupation/career?

I am a professional dancer/performer and theatre educator.

How did you choose EvCC? 

For me, choosing EvCC was very straightforward. The campus location was easy to get to with Everett Transit, the programs that I was interested in were offered regularly, and EvCC has a small theatre program, which drew me even closer to making my decision. My first day on campus to take placement tests was also very influential in my decision making process. The faculty members and advisors that I met with initially became a huge impact on my success at EvCC.

Do you think your time at EvCC helped you pursue your current career? 

Yes, definitely! I am very fortunate to have taken German from Elke Dinter because German is my second language and I am currently pursuing a career in theatre in Hamburg, Germany. My time at EvCC also allowed me to connect with faculty members and receive mentorship and support in regards to teaching and theatre. I am also very fortunate to have completed my associate's degree, which has also given me more access to career opportunities.

What did you do after leaving EvCC?

After leaving EvCC, I transferred to the University of Washington and moved to Seattle! During the fall after graduating from EvCC, I started my first contract as a professional dancer in Disney's Newsies with Village Theatre; an opportunity that wouldn't be possible without the flexibility of my schedule and generous faculty members at EvCC. 

Was there anyone during your time at EvCC who acted as a mentor for you? 

Elke Dinter, my German teacher, was the first teacher that I connected with in regards to culture and celebrating my family history. I was able to learn more about my culture and express with other students my love for Germany and my family. Beth Peterson, acting teacher, also played a huge role in my success at EvCC. Beth allowed me to show my true identity and share my passion for theatre with others. Beth was also a crucial mentor to help support me through the audition for Newsies, mentioned earlier.

What words of advice would you give to current EvCC students?

Organize, ask for support, and keep going! I think community college can be a very transitional period for most students. It was important for me to stay organized with my school work and also with my time at EvCC. It's also important to ask for support when you need it! I think college often scares people into thinking that they have to do everything on their own--and you don't have to! Keep going, keep studying, and understand that a small failure will lead to future successes. My time at EvCC allowed me to understand the strengths and weaknesses that I posses as a student. One of the most important things that I learned was how to fail and recover!

Any other information you would like to provide?

Everett Community College has played a huge role in developing the person that I am today. The flexible schedules, passionate faculty, and student resources all worked together to help me find balance and success. I am forever grateful to EvCC for allowing me to succeed and proving resources for me to achieve greatness! The motto, "Stay Close, Go Far," will always resonate with me. Just look... I am now in Germany at 19 years old with associate's and bachelor's degrees, pursuing my dreams!