Employee Spotlight - Kristina Saunsaucie

Kristina Saunsaucie was drawn to working at EvCC because of the college’s reputation for innovation and commitment to students, staff, and faculty. For over 16 years, Kristina has been in the field of early childhood education, in the roles of director, mental health consultant, teacher, and coach. “As director and associate faculty at EvCC’s Early Learning Center (ELC), my personal mission is to create and support leaders of classrooms and teams that will contribute their gifts to future generations of children and families,” she says. As part of the broader college system, the ELC also provides high-quality education for children while their parents complete their degrees. “They are not only improving the quality of life for their families,” Kristina enthuses, “but also encouraging and modeling educational achievement for their children.” 

What is your current occupation/career?

I am the Director of the Early Learning Center, Associate Faculty in the ECE/Education Department at EvCC.

How did you choose EvCC?

I have been in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 16 years as a director, mental health consultant, teacher, and coach. I am equally invested in developing current and future teachers as I am in the development of our children and families. I was drawn to work at EvCC because of its reputation for innovation and deep commitment to students, staff, and faculty. The leaders at EvCC are responsive to the needs of the community and create partnerships between campus departments and local and statewide agencies to meet these needs.

As part of a broader college system, the Early Learning Center provides high quality education for children while their parents complete their degrees. As student parents work towards their degrees, they are not only improving the quality of life for their families, but also encouraging and modeling educational achievement for their children.

As Director and Associate Faculty, I am able to guide students through their journey to become teachers in the Early Childhood Education field and support their ongoing professional development. It is my personal mission to create and support leaders of classrooms and teams that will contribute their gifts to future generations of children and families.

What words of advice would you give to current EvCC students?

Whether you are part-time, full-time, commuter, or living on campus--participate in the college community. There are groups and clubs to fit any interest and many opportunities to connect with other students and faculty that will enhance your education and friendships.