Network Acceptable Use Policy (CTCNet)

CTCNet shall be the name of the regional internet connecting all of Washington State's Community and Technical Colleges, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and the Center for Information Services (CIS). Colleges using CTCNet will directly benefit if services and facilities are used in ways which build overall system efficiencies, maximize accessibility of the Internet and eliminate inappropriate traffic over the interconnected networks. As such, the following Acceptable Use Policy is in effect.

1.  Use of CTCNet shall be solely for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of information in furtherance of education and research, and otherwise be consistent with the purposes and objectives of the State of Washington Community and Technical Colleges, the SBCTC, and the CIS.

2.   CTCNet shall not be used to transmit any communication in any form (such as text, images, sound) where the content and/or meaning of the message or its transmission or distribution would violate any applicable law or regulation.

3.  CTCNet shall be used solely for business related activities carried out in a professional and ethical manner in the normal course of business and shall not be used for personal reasons to transmit any communication in any form (such as text, images, sound) where the content and/or meaning of the message or its transmission or distribution are likely to be deemed obscene, abusive, or highly offensive to recipient(s).

4.  Users of CTCNet shall promote efficient use of the public networks to minimize, and avoid, if possible, creating congestion within or upon the networks thereby interfering with the work of other users of the networks. Further, users of CTCNet services shall respect the rights and property of all others and shall not improperly access, misappropriate, or misuse the information/files of other users.

5.  CTCNet shall not be used for commercial purposes. Advertising of commercial offerings is forbidden.

6.  When using CTCNet for accessing sources beyond the CTCNet itself, users shall apply the CTCNet Acceptable Use Policy while navigating through and making use of those networks.

7.  With advice/recommendations from the Internet Information Group (IIG) and the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC), the CIS is responsible for the modification and distribution of this Acceptable Use Policy.

8.  Withdrawal of use privileges because of violations of this policy is the responsibility of the college or other agency which authorized that individual's use of CTCNet and could result in discipline and/or termination of employment.

This CTCNet Acceptable Use Policy is recommended and adopted as follows:

CTC Board of Directors 8/5/94
Revised 1/25/99