Open Computer Lab, Tech Lounge & TechHUB

All registered EvCC students taking one or more credits have access to the Tech Lounge in SHK 231 & the Open Computer Lab in OLY 127 during scheduled hours. A student account (username and password) is required to use the computers.

All Open Computer Lab and Tech Lounge users have access to standard lab software, printing, the Internet, and Google email. All students who pay a Technology Fee have additional limited data storage of space on the college network. For large projects, it is suggested that students use their Google Drive for these types of storage and sharing capabilities.

Open Computer LabOlympus Hall Open Computer Lab

The Olympus Hall open computer lab located in room 127, is available to all currently enrolled students. Access to the lab will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. We currently have space for approximately 16 students at a time for desktop computers.

Olympus Hall 127 Hours: 
Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


EvCC techHUB windowThe TechHUB window is a place for students and staff to come get one-on-one technology help, diagnosis, and hopefully a fast resolution. Help with your “EvCC or ctcLink account?  Have questions about Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365? Come check us out!




Tech Lounge

Tech Lounge entrance with an open doorThe Tech Lounge and Tech HUB window opened during winter quarter of January 2023. The footprint is based on Ed Alexander, Technology Services Executive Director's vision, of a forward-thinking technology study space that is also available for one-on-one live customer service for students and staff.

Today’s college student frequently have their own personal device. Tech Lounge open area with sofa seating, table seating for four, TV, and whiteboardHowever, they need areas to work in and to get the help they need when working on a technology-type project. This new Tech Lounge is designed to be more relaxing than the computer labs of the past. It is user-friendly with comfortable seating and surfaces that invite one to use the charging ports for different devices for individual use. 

Along with some desktop stations, students have access to a Jam board and 2 collaborative stations for working with other students on group projects.  If a student forgets their device at home, and our desktops are full, we do have the option of laptop check-out for use only in the lounge while you are there.  We ask to hold a driver's license or keys as collateral while the unit is checked out.

Tech Lounge, Tech HUB, Shuksan Hall 231 Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Closed Fridays (Summer Quarter Only)
Closed Weekends & Holidays