Smoke Screen - Under the Influence of Marijuana Politics & Power

Over 800,000 people are arrested for marijuana possession in the US each year, and legal marijuana is the fastest growing industry here in the US. How have we reached a point that an illegal substance can create over 25 million dollars in tax revenue in a year, and still land you in prison? Moe Spencer is a Marijuana attorney, based in Seattle, and will introduce you to the history of Marijuana growth and its use within the U.S. , the political reasons for why it became illegal, and the origins of its Schedule 1 Narcotics  rating from the DEA, which is the same as Heroin. Be sure to come and join us at 1:30 in Baker hall on April 18th, to learn more about the sordid history behind America’s most controversial plant!

For more information on this event, please contact Cameron Calder, Social Justice and Current Events Coordinator at (425) 388-9505 or Student LIFE Advisor, Lindsay Hudson, at (425) 388-9508.

If you are a person with a disability and need an accommodation in connection with this event, contact the Center for Disability Services at least 5 days in advance at 425-388-9273 or

Baker Auditorium
Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm