Snack & Chat in Monroe

Stop by, chat with your EvCC Student Body Senate Representatives, and grab some pizza and soda from 10am-12pm in The Chill Spot at East County Campus.

Come join Student LIFE and EvCC’s Student Government for an East County Campus Snack and Chat!

Snack and Chat is a chance for your voice to be heard and for you to make a difference. As you chat with student senate members, Student Leaders, club members, you can learn about what is happening on campus and be able to let Student LIFE know what you would like to see on campus, and you get a Free snack!

So, stop on by and Snack & Chat with us!

*Presented by ASB Senate*

EvCC East County Campus, Monroe, The Chill Spot
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - 10:00am to 12:00pm