Spring Welcome Day

Register Here for Reminders!

Start Spring Quarter with confidence at EvCC's Welcome Day, March 30th.

It all starts at the...

Student LIFE Welcome Table!

Open: 9 AM - 4 PM
Location: Parks Student Union

Come to campus anytime between 9am-4pm, Thursday, March 30th and start at the Student LIFE Welcome Table. Here you can pick up your checklist, campus map, schedule of the days events, and earn some extra swag!
Note: No parking permit is required for Welcome Day participants on this date.

Get Your...
• Course Materials/Textbooks
• Student ID Card
• Trojan Checklist
• Free Swag!

Learn About...
• Logging In
• Student Resources
• Parking Permits &/or Bus Passes
• Student Clubs

Explore Campus...
• Take a Tour
• Locate your Classes
• Visit Services
• Complete your Checklist

Get all the details and sign-up for reminders at EverettCC.edu/welcomedays

Welcome Days are a chance for new and returning students each quarter to connect with one another, meet faculty and staff, and learn about campus resources. This event is ideal for new and returning students who are registered for Spring Quarter 2023.

Learn more, see the schedule of events, and register at EverettCC.edu/WelcomeDays.

Student LIFE Welcome Table, Parks Student Union
Thursday, March 30, 2023 - 9:00am to 4:00pm