Cloud Computing is Transforming Businesses and Careers

The cloud's enduring promise infograph
Interactive infographic source: Oxford Economics (2015)

Cloud services have taken the IT and application development fields by storm as a solution to avoid and reduce huge on-premises data center costs, gain competitive advantage, and improve productivity. This has led to an explosion of Cloud services and computing careers and jobs with companies like Microsoft, which is busy hiring aggressively to support their global Cloud region data centers for their Azure and Office 365 offerings. It doesn't matter if you are an IT administrator, application developer, small business owner, or an enterprise decision maker, Cloud services will be transforming your business.

Barriers overcome and operational efficiency previals
Source: (2015)

And, According to Forbes, Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue leads the top twenty metro areas that have the most open positions for cloud computing professionals today with a median salary of over $100,000.

Salary infograph
Source: (March, 2016)

Learn more about cloud computing at a free information session.

About the author: Fawad Khan has been in the IT field for 25 years, including 10 years experience with Microsoft in Cloud services. Fawad has held various IT certifications, including Microsoft Certified Trainer, and has been teaching for 15 years. He holds master degrees in electrical engineering and information technology & management.