More BAM for your buck

CCEC Instructor Kathleen McHughWith a low unemployment rate, a myriad of job opportunities and limited corporate resources, how do you keep your employees engaged? Retaining talent can be a worrisome endeavor. Getting a bang for your benefit buck is so important today. Or should I call it "BAM for your buck?"

Studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between educational benefits and employee satisfaction. Employees feel that they are valued when educational opportunities are offered. The upside to making the investment is that you are retaining employees that now have additional knowledge and skills.  Succession planning becomes easier. Career paths can be more defined. It truly is a win for everyone!

A unique opportunity for employee education is the BAM program offered at Everett Community College (in partnership with CityU). The Bachelor of Arts in Management (BAM) program allows the combination of employee training, classroom education and individualized course credits. As an instructor for this program, I have witnessed firsthand what success looks like. The students get instruction in topics like human resources, project management, and finance among others. The cohort model provides continuity in classroom structure and interaction with other students.

One student, who had no project management exposure in her career, was captivated by the topics we discussed in class. In a matter of a few months, her whole career outlook changed. She began to volunteer for projects at work to increase her exposure to the industry. Projects, she readily admitted, that would have been intimidating for her before she began the BAM program. As this particular student worked her way to graduation, she not only had a degree but a passion for her career. 

As I look to the future, I am encouraged by the educational opportunities that companies can offer their employees. I am also looking forward to helping some of those employees find their passion by becoming students of the BAM program.  

Kathleen McHugh has over 20 years of project management experience. She began her career implementing software for physician offices and then moved on to large scale, hospital IT projects. Kathleen earned her PMP certification in 2007.  As a continuing education instructor, she teaches at several Washington State colleges. In addition to teaching, she works with multiple companies designing project plans and training curriculum. Kathleen attended West Virginia University and obtained her Master Certificate in Project Management from Villanova University.

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