College in the High School

smiling male student

Earn College Credit in High School

EvCC’s College in the High School program offers high school students, in grades 9-12, the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit for advanced, college-level coursework offered right in their high school.

CHS Resources

How to Apply and Register for CHS

CHS Student Benefits, Resources, and Transcript Info

CHS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Class Fees and Payment Options

College in the High School Information Sessions

Attend an information session to learn more about the College in the High School program, requirements, benefits, and admissions. We are offering virtual information sessions for the academic year. If you're unable to attend an information session, you can access our EvCC College in the High School Info Session presentation (Google Slides).   

Sesiones informativas: Desafortunadamente, actualmente no ofrecemos sesiones informativas en español. Puede acceder a nuestra presentación EvCC College in the High School sesión informativa  en línea (Google Slides).