Student Spotlight - Erica Larson

Editor's note: Erica’s student spotlight was originally published in 2020 and updated in 2024 after she became a certified medical assistant.

Running Start alum Erica Larson returned to EvCC after experiencing a job loss. Thanks to the Worker Retraining program, Erica's education is covered, allowing her to focus on training for a career in healthcare. "I truly love helping people in any way that I can," Erica says. "It brings me joy working in the medical field."

Erica chose EvCC’s medical assistant program because according to medical office managers, “this was the best place to get my certification.” She now works at an Everett medical clinic in the endocrinology department.

Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

I love to spend time with my family and friends. I’m very creative and love to crochet and work with my hands.

What credentials did you earn at EvCC?

Certification for medical assisting with an Associates in Technical Arts. 

Why did you choose to attend EvCC?

I started here in 2018-2019 when I was in high school through the Running Start program, and enjoyed the school a lot. It was nice and close to home, and from fellow community members and medical office managers, this was the best place to get my certification. 

Why did you decide to become a medical assistant?

I have always enjoyed helping people in any way that I can. It brings me joy knowing that I made even a small impact on someone's day. 

How did you benefit from the Worker Retraining program, which partners with Employment Security Department to provide job training for unemployed or underemployed workers?

I was laid off at my previous job due to the provider leaving the clinic. After I was laid off, I was looking for ways for me to help get schooling with no job or money and found the program that I am currently in. I filled out a form on the EvCC website and found this program that fit my situation. 

This funding has helped me by allowing me to come to school and get a higher education. 

Why do you want to pursue a career in healthcare? 

I truly love helping people in any way that I can. It makes me feel so good knowing that I can help someone. It brings me joy working in the medical field.

What interested you about EvCC's medical assistant program?

I am able to get the education I need so I can help people that are in need. Everything about the program stood out to me. 

How are the skills you're learning at EvCC helping you reach your goals?

The skills that I am learning at EvCC are helping me reach my goals by getting me prepared for the “real world" when I am working with patients. Becoming a student at EvCC made me want to be a part of the medical field more seeing what I can actually do to help people.

Describe the best experience you've had at EvCC.c

Going through pre clinicals, I had the best time learning how to do so many things! 

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you?

The person who has helped me succeed is Workforce Funding Program Specialist Jessica Manfredi because she made it possible for me to be able to come to school and allow me to get the education that I need to help people.

Honestly, my whole team of teachers that came together at different points of my time at EvCC showed me that I can do this despite how I was feeling. 

What advice do you have for new students?

Keep pushing! keep going! you WILL make it, you WILL pass! Keep a positive mindset, it will help you get far :)

Would you recommend the medical assisting program at EvCC to others?

1000%. Even when times were hard, I still had such a good support system to pick me back and keep me going!