Student Spotlight - Glory Tshokama

Glory Tshokama

What did you study at EvCC?

I studied Art and Science including photography. (Graduated with Arts and Science degree).

Why did you choose EvCC?

The reason why I chose Everett Community College is that EvCC is a gathering of great people. From faculty, staff, to student, I have experienced a great sense of love and purpose. On my first day at EvCC, I had the opportunity to connect with a lot of people, from student ambassadors, president of students government, to the diversity and outreach director. I saw the goodness of within people such as Jerod, Azrael, Jennifer, Helen, Monica, C.Larson, and the list goes on. That why I chose Everett Community College. EvCC is an amazing place to grow.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?

Glory Tshokama and family.I have great parents from the Congo, who have been motivating me since birth. From growing in a French-speaking environment to learning English during my adolescence, and then graduating from Everett Community College, they have been at the core of my success. Here at Everett Community College, I have found a lot of good mentors and coaches who have contributed to my success. People such as Diversity & Equity Director Jerod Grant, Librarian Heather Jean Uhl, Instructional Technician Fred Gilbert, Drama instructor Beth Peterson, PROPELS Project Coordinator Azrael Howell, AMTEC instructor Julie Berger, Physics instructor Andrew Vanture, Photography instructor Nancy Jones, Photography instructor Ellen Felsenthal, Geography Kerry Lyste and so on. I have learned valuable lessons from a diverse group of intellectuals who have done their best to transmit knowledge with heart and understanding. As I once learned from my teacher “ I am great because I stand on the shoulder of giants.” I am thankful, grateful, and honored to be among Everett Community College's success stories. 

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

My advice for new students, whether you are an international student or domestic, is the following:
Be bold, socialize, and attempt great things. People at Everett Community College are here to help you go further, faster, and develop a growth mindset. You may encounter challenges along the way, but remember that you are not alone. There will be people who will inspire you through your journey. As someone once said, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." You will found mentors, teachers, and coaches who will help you develop the greatness in you. Do your due diligence, be present, be curious, and be an active participant. I believe if you take my advice to heart, you will be successful along the way. I hope you become a student of success, and I can’t wait to read your story.

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

I am humbled to say that some months ago before my graduation, I was hired for my creative and bilingual proficiency in Seattle. For a position of over $53,000 a year to operate as a French and English expert for the company. I am part of the team that is administering a multi-million dollar project. My focus for this year is to learn and contribute my expertise as much as possible to the project. In my spare time at home, I work on my fitness goal, creative visual design, and speech. To summarize what next, I will say that I set up major goals, plans, and strategies for 2019. My vision in 2019 resides in educational advancement, professional development, and publishing. In short, the future holds an abundance of opportunities, and I can't wait to share them with you. 

Update, August 2019: Glory is now working at Microsoft in the advertising department.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

One of the best experience, I had at EvCC was when my class elected me as the Editor in Chief of Vibrations magazine publication for 2017. After I delivered a powerful speech in which I articulated how much I believed in each person's ability to create, to inspire, and to develop a great publication, I knew that I was the one to lead the team to success. My team and I, along with the advice of instructor Chris Larson, we were able to produce one of the most inspirational and successful editions ever created in Vibrations magazine history.

We produced high-quality videos and marketing materials, which promoted the Everett Community College students artwork. We were glad to be informed when the Dean decided to double the number of prints in order to promote our college art program in the community. My passion for this project was fascinating. I was the last person to leave the design studio and the first to arrive.

Despite the fact that I had a part-time job and another class to attend, I learned how to motivate, collaborate, and develop a team synergy. Here are some links to the videos:

Anything else you want to add?

I want to thank the president of Everett Community College President Dr. David Beyer for his continuous commitment to excellence in making EvCC an inclusive environment for all students. My special thanks to the Board of Trustees, the students government, staff, faculty, and students. Thank you.