Vibrations Magazine

Vibrations is Everett Community College's annual art and literary publication produced by students in the GRAPH 252 (Booklab) class. It features work from the graphic arts, fine art, music, photography, theatre, and creative writing programs.

Check out our latest release of Vibrations 2024 Online

Founded in 1963 as a literary publication, Vibrations has remained strong and consistent in its dedication as the showcase for exceptional creative work by Everett Community College students. The mission of Vibrations is to exhibit, promote and support the art and literary works of our students.

We value creative minds and are committed to an environment marked by innovation, openness and creativity. We encourage cross-disciplinary projects and diversity of expression and provides an opportunity for individual challenge and growth.

Vibrations Magazine is published both online and in a book format. Online editions can be viewed at the links below. Hard copies of this year's book have been distributed around campus and are free to the public (see the Graphics Arts department or Student Activities).

View Vibrations Magazine Online

Vibrations 2023Vibrations 2022Vibrations 2021Vibrations 2020 | Vibrations 2019 | Vibrations 2018 | Vibrations 2017 | Vibrations 2016 | Vibrations 2015 | Vibrations 2014 | Vibrations 2013 | Vibrations 2012 | Vibrations 2011 | Vibrations 2010 | Vibrations 2009 | Vibrations 2008 | Vibrations 2007

Students successfully completing a degree with an emphasis in publication of the Vibrations Magazine at EvCC will satisfy specific program outcomes that are common to the Visual Arts.

How to Enter Your Work

Annual Vibrations Entry Form

Entries must be submitted online during Spring Quarter. Students are encouraged to submit work produced during the previous year from the Art, Graphics, English, Music, Photography, Theater, Ceramics and Multimedia departments. The pieces published in Vibrations are chosen on the basis of creative and technical excellence by a faculty-nominated student selection committee. The book and website are both published at the end of Spring quarter.

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