EvCC BRIDGES Center raises $16,000 for school supplies, English workshops

Press Release

Release Date: July 1, 2019

Contact: Chayuda Overby, BRIDGES Center Director, 425-259-8789; coverby@everettcc.edu

EVERETT, Wash. – Everett Community College’s BRIDGES Center raised $16,000 for books and supplies for students learning to speak English at a dinner April 27. 

The donations will also allow the BRIDGES Center to expand the program to help more families, purchase 10 netbook computers for student use and create a scholarships for students transitioning to college-level classes. 

“Our students were amazed by the incredible support and generosity,” said Chayuda Overby, director of EvCC’s BRIDGES Center.

EvCC’s BRIDGES Center is working with St. Mary Magdalen Parish & School to offer free workshops for students learning English to south Everett. 

More than 85 students have attended workshops at the church since September 2018. 

The BRIDGES Center provides free literacy assistance through the Volunteer Literacy Program, free English-language workshops, English-language practice, education and employment navigation services, community resource referrals, pronunciation and grammar computer lab and support for students who are learning English and completing Adult Basic Education classes. 

BRIDGES stands for Building Readiness, Inspiring Dreams, Gaining Educational Success. Classes to learn English are offered at several locations throughout north and east Snohomish County.

St. Mary Magdalen Parish & School has offered classroom space to provide instruction to the South Everett community Wednesday and Thursday evenings during the academic year.  

Most students are learning English as a second language, but the program is open to any students needing assistance.

For more information about the program, to donate or to volunteer, contact BRIDGES Center Director Chayuda Overby at coverby@everettcc.edu or 425-259-8789.