EvCC seeks host families for Japanese high school students

Press Release

Date: July 1, 2024

Contact: Lisa Hirose, International Student Engagement Specialist: lhirose@everettcc.edu, 425-446-1759

Apply by July 5 to be a host family for two weeks

EVERETT, Wash. – Everett Community College seeks local families to host high school students from Everett’s sister city, Iwakuni, Japan, for two weeks this summer.

EvCC’s International Education Center is looking for families to apply by July 5 to host one or two students from July 26 to Aug. 9. 

“Hosting an exchange student is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to be exposed to a different culture and to make lifelong friends,” said Lisa Hirose, engagement coordinator at EvCC. “It’s also an opportunity for you to showcase your culture to the Iwakuni students.” 

EvCC started hosting students from Iwakuni for summer cultural exchanges in 1996. The college manages student engagement and support services, while host families provide rooms, meals, transportation and cultural experiences on weekends.

The college provides financial support of $65 per day, per student to each host family.

Host families can expect to: 

  • Attend an orientation with representatives from EvCC and Iwakuni via Zoom. 
  • Allow an EvCC representative to tour each home to make sure housing is appropriate for students.
  • Offer clean and comfortable housing.
  • Provide students with full access to wi-fi in the home. 
  • Provide meals during the two-week period, including snacks.
  • Arrange transportation for students to EvCC Monday through Thursday. 
  • Arrange for students to be picked up around 5 p.m. from EvCC. If there are evening events, EvCC will drop students off at their host family homes.
  • Spend Friday through Sunday with the students enjoying activities and family time. Larger events for students and host families may be arranged.

Interested families can fill out a form by July 5 or contact Lisa Hirose at lhirose@everettcc.edu with questions.