EvCC Student Senate purchases $175,000 in Chromebooks for students without computers

Press Release

Release Date: April 3, 2020

EVERETT, Wash. – Everett Community College students who need a computer for spring quarter classes will now be able to rent a Chromebook for free.

EvCC’s Student Senate approved spending $175,000 from the student eTech fund to purchase about 700 Chromebooks. The college is also funding the purchase of an additional 400 Chromebooks. 

The first 380 Chromebooks will be available for pickup April 6-10. The second group of Chromebooks are scheduled to arrive at the end of this month.

Students who want to rent a Chromebook can check their eligibility and submit a request at EvCC’s Student Portal at EverettCC.edu/MyEvCC.

To qualify, students must be currently enrolled in at least one credit for spring quarter and have paid for their classes, have a tuition payment plan through the Cashiers Office or are receiving financial aid. For technical questions, contact EvCC Technology Services at 425-388-9333.

EvCC’s Library also has a limited number of Wi-Fi hotspots available for checkout. To request one, email circulation@everettcc.edu.

“The Chromebooks will give students an equal chance to thrive by providing them access to an essential tool needed to complete their classes. Many of our students have a variety of responsibilities in their personal lives, and this will make it so they don’t add on the financial burden of purchasing a laptop or computer for spring quarter,” said EvCC ASB President Araceli Daza. 

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the college is shifting almost all classes online for spring quarter. The college hopes to start limited in-person labs and professional/technical training using social distancing in May. Classes with online education require regular access to a computer.

“This is a monumental effort and one that warms my heart when we support one another. We are here because of our students, and they have stepped up to support student success for their peers,” said EvCC President Daria Willis. 

The Student Senate purchase was approved by EvCC’s Board of Trustees at a special meeting on March 25.

For more information about online student support resources, including video chatting available with Financial Aid, Workforce Funding, Center for Disability Services, Counseling and Student Success and Student LIFE, visit EverettCC.edu/SpringOnline.