Student Spotlight - Marwa Alwattar

Marwa Alwattar

Marwa Alwattar was one of two EvCC students selected for the 2018 All-Washington Academic Team. At EvCC, she served as president of the Muslim Students' Association, was a member of the college's TRiO Student Support Services program, and a leader in EvCC's Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She plans to earn a master's degree and eventually start a nonprofit organization to help homeless and poor children around the world. 

What's your background?

My past has a great impact on my life today. The main reason was the war in my country, Iraq. My family and I had to move to Syria because of the dangerous situation in Iraq after the war. I grew up and graduated from high school there. I went from being the best student in the school to a person that is not able to go to college/university for financial reasons because we were not allowed to work in Syria. So I was not able to go to school for about seven years. I lived a really bad life during these years because my dreams faded away. However, I had faith that everything happens for a reason, and I should wait for my chance to come and use it. In 2014, I came to the U.S., but I could not study for two years because I had to work and support my family. Finally, I got the chance to study and build my new goals and dreams. Today, I am a woman with big goals that I am working hard to reach it. I believe in myself and very proud of it because after all of what I passed through I became stronger. Nothing will break my dreams or prevent me from reaching my goals. So I have a message that I want to deliver to all people that are passing through difficult times: Please, never give up! Just believe in yourself.

What did you study at EvCC? 

My major is Accounting, so I got my Business DTA (direct transfer agreement) at EvCC. I took Business and Accounting classes, in addition to some electives such as humanities and science classes. Also, I got my MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist certificate) here.  

Why did you choose EvCC?

When I moved to Snohomish County two years ago, I wasn't sure which school was the best for me. I asked many people, and all of them recommended EvCC for me. When I went to the school for the first time, I was not sure where to start but I met Terri at the Information Center, and she handed me the Get Started plan, which gave me an idea of where to start and what to do next. 

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?

Throughout my journey at EvCC, I got help from many people. This was something that made me proud to be an EvCC student. Everyone here is willing and happy to help, which encouraged me to help other students as much as I can, and made me curious to discover all of the different resources at EvCC.

I will start with my Academic Advisor Marie Connelly. She's my Accounting instructor and my role model in my accounting path. She set a great academic plan for me that fitted me perfectly. I followed her advice and finished my degree in two years. I went to her office for advice at least two times a quarter, and she answers my questions through email quickly. She gave me the passion to build my CPA goal, which led me to win the WACPA scholarship.

Also, TriO was a great support to me, I will talk about them in detail in the next question. In addition to that, the Tutoring Center played a great role in supporting me whenever I needed help, especially in my Accounting classes. Laura was always there to help, she even encouraged me to work at the Tutoring Center to help other students. I also got support from the Writing Center, I used to go with my rough draft essays and they always edited them to me and showed me the right way to fix them. Can't forget the library resources and the librarians who were always there, willing to help and show the resources. Lastly, I want to mention the great support that the Counseling and Student Success department provides. I got support from Mrs. Christine when I had some issues with some classes. She was fantastic.

How did the TRiO program help you?

Each time I remember TRiO, I can't hold my tears. They were a family for me, not just a staff or a program that supports students. During my first week, I felt kind of lost and did not know the resources at EvCC, such as the Tutoring Center, or finding books in a cheaper way or even have a future plan about what will be my next journey after I'm done with EvCC.

I asked Terri, and she told me where TRiO is located (I have heard about this program from my advisor). I went there, Ruben Miranda-Juarez welcomed me and helped me fill out the application. Honestly, I used to run to TRiO any time I feel I need help or not sure where to go to ask for help. I even used to email them, and they never stopped helping me. Omar Marquez was my TRiO advisor; he was awesome. He helped me build a plan of how to apply for universities and showed me how to look up the university that will fit my academic and career goals. Also, he gave me a lecture on how to write the best personal statements and how to answer the tricky questions that I could be asked. I remember I missed the personal statement workshop because I had a class during that time, and he made it up for me and used the board to explain the process for me. He always made sure that my questions got answered, even if that means calling the universities or emailing them to get my answers. In addition to the tutoring services that they provide, I got help couple times, especially with my English classes. I had some troubles because English is my second language, but with their help, I got As in all of my English classes. I can't talk about TRiO without mentioning Linda Summers. She is just amazing! She supported me in many ways. She gave me the hope in all times that I felt I would give up. Just seeing her made me happy. She used to email me to make sure that I am doing well, especially when I got some health trouble. A couple more things about TRiO is their club, potlucks at the end of each quarter, trips, study groups and their graduation ceremonies. All of these made me meet and make so many friends. I went to EvCC lonely, knowing no one, and left it with many friends, most of them were because of TRiO, especially me best friends, Kassi and Melanye. Thank you is never enough to TRiO!! 

How did your EvCC Foundation scholarship help you? 

Honestly, one of the amazing moments that I remember is winning the EvCC Foundation scholarship. It helped me buy a laptop because I was sharing my sister's before that. It also helped me reduce my stress. When I had a lot of school work, I used to ask my boss at the Center for Disability Services (where I used to work) to work fewer hours during exams weeks. I was not able to do that before because I needed to pay my bills and support my family, but with the scholarship, I was able to do that.

What do you want your scholarship donor(s) to know?

Alwattar familyI want to tell them that what they do is great. They are not just supporting one generation of students, they are supporting the following generation, because all of us who got the scholarships learned the meaning of helping and supporting students. We know that the biggest barrier that could stop the scholars from achieving their goals is the money, which is really sad. However, having great people like the donors will make life easier and more possible for others to achieve their dreams. I am willing to do the same in the future. I will support students and many other people who need help. One of my big goals is to help poor children around the world who are affected by wars and lost their dreams. At one point of my life, I was one of them.

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

I am transferring to the University of Washington Bothell to get my Bachelor's in Accounting and my CPA. I will start in the Fall of 2018.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

All my experiences at EvCC were amazing in general but specifically involved in Student LIFE was really special. I was the Finance officer of Phi Theta Kappa club and the President of Muslim Students' Association club. These experiences taught me a lot because I met many students with different cultures and backgrounds. We became a team and helped each other during the events and did so many activities together - that made me feel I belong at EvCC. Awards gala night was really fantastic and emotional. Getting awards for the efforts that students have done throughout the year is a really nice way to be thanked. It was nice to see all of my friends dressed up and dancing happily. 

Anything you want to add? 

I came to the U.S. with almost no English and no goals. EvCC helped me improve my English, build great and big goals, meet wonderful people and make lifetime friendships. I am stronger now and believe in myself and my abilities as a free woman. No one can stop me achieving my goals.