Program Map for Photography AFA

The Photography program at EvCC emphasizes a balance of concept and craft. Our course of study integrates technical skills with the critical thought, visual literacy, and creativity required for effective and powerful visual communication. Students develop proficiency in digital photography from capture through print presentation. Students graduate with a strong body of work and the practical skills to successfully begin their photography career or transfer to a four-year art institution or university.

Topics covered include: 

  • Design Principles
  • Color Theory and Management
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Critical Theory and Critique
  • Black and White digital processing
  • Studio and Location Lighting   
  • Advanced Printing techniques
  • Compositing and Color Grading
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Historical Theory and Contemporary Practices                                                        
  • Business & Marketing
  • Portfolio Development

Faculty advisors for the Photography ATA are listed below.  If you have been assigned an advisor please work with them, otherwise you can choose either of the advisors below.


Notes on using this map:

* indicates an elective course that is recommended but not required and could be substituted with another appropriate course. For example, ENGL& 102* on a map means that ENGL& 102* is recommended, but any 5-credit course from the Basic Communication Skills list on the DTA would also be acceptable.
→ indicates a pre-requisite relationship. For example, MATH&141→ MATH&142 on a map indicates that a student must pass MATH& 141 before taking MATH& 142

(F, W, Sp, Su) indicates the quarters in which a course is offered, if not offered every quarter. For example, ART 116 (W) means that ART 116 is only offered during Winter quarters

TS stands for Transitional Studies. Courses taken through the Transitional Studies department do not qualify for financial aid but cost only $25 per quarter. To see if you qualify, contact the Advising Center at or 425-388-9339.

& as part of a course number (e.g. ACCT& 202) indicates that the course is part of the Common Course Numbering System

D as part of a course number (e.g. ENGL& 102D) indicates that the course fulfills the Diversity Course requirement for the AAS-DTA degree

Star icon This icon is used for course requirements.

 The learning objectives of this course are the foundation of future courses in this pathway. Success in critical courses positions you to be successful in later courses in this pathway.

Talk bubble iconThis icon is used for mandatory or recommended actions related to advising.

 Breaking Ground on Your Pathway

Before you can take your college-level courses, you may need to complete prerequisites. 

Talk bubble iconSee your entry advisor Diana Jaramillo at the Advising Center located in RAI 108 to decide on your first quarter courses.

See your advisor for self-paced or accelerated alternatives in Math and English to prepare for college-level classes. Want to move further faster? Learn about EvCC's I-BEST classes. 

Star icon Prepare for college-level math

If your math placement is below MATH 107, you’ll need to take the following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:

  • TS 60 → TS 70 → MATH/TS 76 → MATH/TS 86 → MATH 96

Note: You may also take a self-paced course, MATH 78 or 79, to earn placement into MATH/TS 76, MATH/TS 86, MATH 96, MATH& 107, or MATH& 146

Note: TS stands for Transitional Studies. Courses taken through the Transitional Studies department do not qualify for financial aid but cost only $25 per quarter. To see if you qualify, contact the Advising Center (Email:; Phone: 425-388-9339).

Star icon Prepare for college-level English

If your English placement is below ENGL& 101, you’ll need to take following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:


Note: Non-native speakers may need additional courses before ENGL/TS 97 depending on their placement.

Note: TS stands for Transitional Studies. Courses taken through the Transitional Studies department do not qualify for financial aid but cost only $25 per quarter. To see if you qualify, contact the Advising Center (Email:; Phone: 425-388-9339).

Star icon Take COLL 101 - College Success in your first quarter to prepare for the pace and rigor of college.

Star icon Be sure to register for your Foundation courses in the first quarter:  

  • PHOTO 110
  • PHOTO 230
  • ART 110

Students are encouraged to begin their program studies in Fall or Winter terms for best flow of program course work. Students beginning in Spring or Summer term are encouraged to take general education requirements at that time. 

Talk bubble iconBefore registering each quarter, check your Degree Planner to see what classes you should take to stay on track.  See your faculty program advisor, Ellen Felsenthal or Nancy Jones, with any questions you have.

Recommended Actions 

 Foundations for Your Pathway

Complete these college-level courses which will serve as a foundation for your AFA in Photography and will also serve as a foundation to any AFA degree program. 

Star icon Take  PHOTO 110 - Introduction to Digital Photography (5 credits)
Star icon Take PHOTO 230* - History of Photography (F)  (5 credits)
Star icon Take  ART 110 - Art Foundations and Design (5 credits)
Star icon Take GRAPH 110 - Digital Design Tools and Visual Communication (5 credits)
Star icon Take COLL 101 - College Success (2 credits)
Star icon Take ENGL& 101D*- English Composition I (D designated courses fulfill Diversity course requirement) (5 credits)

Recommended Actions

Talk bubble iconBefore registering each quarter, check your Degree Planner to see what classes you should take to stay on track.  See your faculty program advisor with any questions you have.

  • If you haven't already, join a club that aligns with your interest, such as Photo Club or Art Club

 Framing Your Pathway

Complete specific degree requirements for the Photo AFA as well and complete general education requirement that apply to any AFA. If you choose to change pathways some general education credits may apply to a DTA but some may not. Please meet with an advisor when changing pathways.

Star icon Take  PHOTO 111 – Intermediate Black and White (F, W) (5 credits)
Star icon Take  PHOTO 243 - Studio Lighting 1 (Sp)  (5 credits)
Star icon Take  PHOTO 195 – Portfolio Review (Sp) (2 credits) 
Star icon Take one of the following Basic Communication Skills* courses (5 credits):

  • ENGL& 102 - Critical Essay (OR &102D to also fulfill Diversity requirement)
  • ENGL 103
  • ENGL 105 - Creative Writing
  • ENGL 211
  • ENGL& 230
  • ENGL& 235
  • CMST& 220
  • CMST 223

Star icon Take one of the following Quantitative Skills* courses (5 credits):

  • MATH& 107 or above
  • BUS 130 - Business Math (non transferable)
  • PHIL& 120 - Logic

Star icon Take one of the following Natural Science* courses (5 credits):

  • NUTR& 101 - Intro to Nutrition
  • GEOL 102 - Intro to Geology
  • GEOL 107 - Earth Science for Everybody
  • ASTR& 101 - Survey of Astronomy
  • NAT S 107 - Physical Science for Everybody
  • BOT 113 - Plants of the Pacific Northwest
  • BOT 115D - Ethnobotany: Plants and People

Star icon Take one of the following Social Science* courses (5 credits):

  • CMST& 102 - Introduction to Mass Media
  • PHIL 110 - Social Ethics
  • PHIL& 115 - Critical Thinking
  • POLS 210D - The Politics of Diversity
  • SOC 248 - Women, Religion & Society

Star icon Take PHOTO 210 - Color Theory: Concept and Practice (F) (5 credits)
Star icon Take PHOTO 244 - Studio Lighting for Portraiture (F) (5 credits)
Star icon Take PHOTO 211 - Advanced Processes (W) (5 credits)
Star icon Take GRAPH 130 - Web Coding (Sp) (5 credits)

Recommended Actions

Talk bubble iconCheck back in with your faculty program advisor for mandatory 3rd term advising as well as to address and question or concerns.

 Finishing Your Pathway

Complete all remaining degree/certificate requirements before you graduate or transfer.

Star icon Take PHOTO 212 – Thesis (Sp) (5 credits)
Star icon Take ART 295 - Professional Practices (Sp) (Instructor permission required) (5 credits)

Apply for graduation at least one quarter in advance.

Recommended Actions

Talk bubble iconMeet with your faculty program advisor to make sure all degree/certificate requirements are met.

  • Submit Work to Vibrations Magazine, rolling submissions
  • Submit work to Final Student Exhibition for Spring of graduation year. 