Training During a Global Pandemic

Despite the temporary closure of school buildings around the county due to COVID-19, learning and teaching continues through distance learning. The safety and well-being of students, staff and families remains our top priority as we continue to put learners and learning at the forefront of how we proceed. We know it is a very different and unsettling time for many as we transition to our new normal. These exceptional circumstances are a change for our educators, students and their families. However, change brings opportunities as well as challenges.

We continue to find strength through our community and supporting one another through these changes. Most of our team has been learning, teaching and working from home since March. Others are only just starting this new way of being.

It is a time of learning, for reflection and improving and getting better together. The truth of the matter for all of us is that living in isolation is hard and will get harder over time. We will all experience more challenging times together in those weeks ahead and the human spirit of togetherness is what will help us through. One of the many benefits for educating your team and yourself is being part of a community where we share best practices and get better together.

Our highly experienced learning and education professionals have established an effective distance learning strategy, which includes a broad range of supportive materials and resources. These are designed to ensure consistency of learning while the transition to a virtual learning model continues to get better over time. The strategies in place are designed to enable distance learning so we can continue to focus on learning and our commitment to our students and organizations in our community. By having effective plans in place, we minimize disruption, confusion and uncertainty.

We had some team members that were skeptical of online training and people who would rather have waited for things to resume to “normal” before we continued with our planned classes. We even had some that were very against using certain online formats… until they took the Leadership class virtually through EvCC. Now is really the perfect time to participate virtually. Using tools that were gained from that Leadership class, has already had an incredible impact on our company and personnel, including in the way we operate virtually.
Jeana Ball, Training & Development, Jamco America

Across CCEC, we understand that distance learning is not only about technology; it’s also about our people. We recognize that there are many elements involved in providing content, experiences and connection for students so you can continue to learn as part of a community.

Kristen McConaha
Executive Director
Corporate & Continuing Education Center

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