2021 Virtual Graduation Celebration

Letter from the EvCC President

Dear Graduate, 

Congratulations! I am so proud of you. We are all proud of you! 

Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance is second to none. For all of the late nights and weekends spent studying for exams and writing papers, forgoing the social activities and time with friends or family, it was all worth it. 

Since arriving at Everett Community College, you worked hard to crush your goals and you refused to let a global pandemic dim your light. In the past year, we have all been tested in ways that we could have never imagined. The fact that you completed your studies despite the circumstances takes great courage.

As you enter a new phase in your life, know that you are prepared and well equipped to handle any obstacle that may come your way. If you can succeed now, there is not much that will slow you down in the future.

No matter what happens next, keep moving forward. Never give up the pursuit of knowledge, and always expect the unexpected. You have earned something that no one can take from you, and I want you to celebrate your accomplishments.

Dr. Daria J. Willis
President, Everett Community College

Outstanding Graduates

Faculty members nominate and select ‘outstanding graduates’ in each of the College’s instructional divisions.

Arts, Learning Resources & Pathways
Nichole L. Bascue

Business and Applied Technology
Delvron K. Bledsoe
Marwah A. Aboud
Quinn Bradford Kazen

Communication and Social Science
Angel Faith Green
Bethany L. Rice
Katherine Louise Anderson
Kotoko Miyamae
Meagan K. White

Health Sciences and Public Safety
Chandra A. Baker
Danielle N. Dejony
Susan Chae DeRose

Math and Science
Cami L. Lacy
Emily M. Larson
Jenifer Mendez-Pacheco
Laura Lynne Ladd Moore

Transitional Studies
Celeste O. Mestas
Gina Choi
Kylie Buchmiller
Sara S. Gonzalez
Shannon Robert Dale

Commencement Program & Downloads

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