Student Spotlight - Levi Williams

EvCC Graduate, TRiO and MESA student, Levi Williams

Levi Williams chose EvCC because “it was local and had resources I needed to be a successful student.” Those resources included TRiO Student Support Services, a federally funded program that provides academic support services to first-generation, low-income students, and students with disabilities and the MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) program. “I learned so much more than chemistry during my time at EvCC” says Levi. “I can't even begin to list the changes it has made in my life's trajectory. It's so important that  every single person has access to this experience. I hope that together we can work toward a future where that's reality.”

What did you study at EvCC?


Why did you choose EvCC?

It was local, and had resources I needed to be a successful student.

Who helped you succeed at EvCC? (faculty member, staff). What did that person do to help you?

Allison Werling, my TRiO advisor. She helped me understand college, set goals, find resources, and guided me out of tough situations I got myself into.Tia Pinzon, the MESA Director. She constantly encouraged me, offered her help with anything I was struggling with, and helped me surpass my comfort zone by acknowledging my skills and potential. The rest of the people working with TRiO and MESA were also vital to my success and I appreciate the hard work everyone there does for us students.

What advice do you have for new EvCC students?

This part of your life will be brief but it has the power to change your future. If you can, utilize your support networks and reach out to others. This is a setting where you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help or let people know you're struggling. Even something as simple as knowing you aren't the only one struggling can be such a relief. 

EvCC graduate Levi Williams with his sister, Betty Williams

What do you plan to do next? (Job, transfer, etc.)

Currently I'm working in preclinical research and learning ASL while I wait to transfer to UWB for my B.S. in chemistry. After that I want to start my career in research for environmental protection and conservation. 

I'm trying to implement advice from my favorite teacher, Sumita Sighn, to start as early as possible with my research experience.

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

Looking back I think my best experience was getting to meet so many different people throughout my time at EvCC. It was a paradigm shifting process for me. I think that's what sparked my love for humanity and passion for social justice.

Anything else you want to add?

I learned so much more than chemistry during my time at EvCC. I can't even begin to list the changes it has made in my life's trajectory. It's so important that  every single person has access to this experience. I hope that together we can work toward a future where that's reality.