SOCCC School Registration

How to Register your School Group for the Students of Color Career Conference

School counselors and principals are the only ones who may register school groups. Need help registering? Email or call 425-388-9306.

1. Registration is now closed for all schools.

Registration officially closed on March 6, 2025. 

2. Gather registration info and signed photo releases for your students. 

You will need the following information for each student: 

  • First name (so students can receive customized name tags)
  • Last name
  • Accommodations for disability
  • Pizza choice (cheese, pepperoni or none)
    • Students may bring their own lunch; we are not able to accommodate other dietary needs.
  • Photo release filled out (yes or no)
    • Everett Community College will take photos and videos to promote next year’s conference. Please print and collect signed photo releases for each student who consents to be photographed: 
    • If a student does not want their photo taken, they will receive a color coded name tag. This is how our photographer will ensure students are not photographed without their consent.
  • Consent to receive enrollment communication from Everett Community College (yes or no) 
    • If a student says yes, we will send information after the event about how to become an EvCC student.

The following information is optional for each student: 

  • Zip code (to help identify students in our email system)
  • Email address (to receive emails from EvCC)
  • Phone number (to receive text messages from EvCC)
  • Ethnicity 
  • Gender

Student and staff contact information will remain confidential and only be used by Everett Community College staff to communicate necessary information and updates about the conference. 

3. Registration is now closed. See details needed for each school below.

  • Download the student registration spreadsheetExcel icon
  • Rename the file with your school name and save it to your computer. Example: 2025-SOCCC-Student-Registration-BestHighSchool.xlsx  
  • Fill in the spreadsheet details. Do not change the spreadsheet layout or field names. 
  • Save the spreadsheet as an Excel spreadsheet (not a pdf) and email it to

4. Register all your chaperones by March 6, 2025.

Please bring one chaperone for every 10 students. You will need the following information for each chaperone: 

  • First name (so chaperones can receive customized name tags)
  • Last name
  • Accommodations for disability
  • Pizza choice (cheese, pepperoni or none)
    • Chaperones may bring their own lunch; we are not able to accommodate other dietary needs.
  • Photo release filled out (yes or no)
    • Everett Community College will take photos and videos to promote next year’s conference. Please print and collect a signed photo release Adobe Acrobat icon for each chaperone who consents to be photographed.
    • If a chaperone does not want their photo taken, they will receive a color coded name tag. This is how our photographer will ensure chaperones are not photographed without their consent.

When you're ready, submit chaperone details. 

  • Download the chaperone registration spreadsheetExcel icon
  • Rename the file with your school name and save it to your computer. Example: 2025-SOCCC-Chaperone-Registration-BestHighSchool.xlsx  
  • Fill in the spreadsheet details. Do not change the spreadsheet layout or field names. 
  • Save the spreadsheet as an Excel spreadsheet (not a pdf) and email it to 

5. Bring signed photo releases to the conference on March 27. 

It is each school’s responsibility to ensure that Everett Community College knows how many students and chaperones in your group do not want their photos taken. Bring your stack of printed, signed photo releases for all students and chaperones to the conference. 

Conference Registration Checklist

  • Register your school. Registration is now closed.
  • Submit registration spreadsheet for high school students by Feb. 14; middle school students by March 6. 
  • Submit registration spreadsheet for chaperones by March 6.
  • Bring printed, signed photo releases for students and chaperones to the conference on March 27. 

Chaperone Tips

  • Bring 1 adult chaperone for every 10 students to help promote appropriate student behaviors and student engagement throughout the day.
  • Review expectations of the day with students. Let students know that SOCCC is designed to be a safe, student-centered space and they contribute to the safety and success of the day. 
  • Have a great time.