Everett Community College honors outstanding employees

College News

Updated: Sept. 20, 2024

Graphic with a background of yellow flowers behind a red rectangle. The words say "Honoring EvCC's Outstanding FACULTY & STAFF"

At Everett Community College’s annual Spring Awards held on June 3, 13 employees were honored with awards and employees were noted for hitting years of service milestones. 

Employees were honored in several categories: The George Shuh Awards, which recognize an outstanding faculty member, staff member and exempt employee, Diversity and Inclusion, Emerging Classified Staff, Distinguished Classified Staff, Extra Effort, and You Made a Difference Awards. 

 At EvCC's annual Opening Week President's Breakfast on Sept. 16, four faculty members were named this year's Exceptional Faculty. 

Exceptional Faculty Awards

These awards are given to dedicated, hard-working faculty members who contributed to the community and to their fields while also doing an excellent job in the classroom.

Debby Casson 

Debby Casson and Chemene CrawfordMath instructor Debby Casson has been with Everett Community College for nine years, and has already made a significant impact on the campus community far beyond her students. Debby's nominator describes her as being, "a student-focused teacher who is in education not only for the love of her subject, but to make a personal difference in students, everyday lives...Debby is an advocate and ally for all students at EvCC. She is always trying to learn more about creating a safe and inclusive environment in her classroom.

Kristina Jipson

Kristina Jipson and Chemene CrawfordDr. Kristina Jipson, English instructor, has done an exceptional job in her work with building connections between the union, faculty, and administrators. She serves on the Guided Pathways task force, the English 102 Course Revision task force, and is Director of the English Placement on Corequisites. Dr. Kristina Jipson is a student-first instructor who brings energy into her classroom.

Sharon Moore

Sharon Moore and Chemene CrawfordTransitional Studies instructor Sharon Moore has gone above and beyond in her work for the department, for the faculty, and for the students. In addition to her work as the TS Department Chair, she is on numerous committees, councils, and task forces, including Chair of the Assessment Committee, the Campus Council, the Student Equity & Empowerment task force, the Council for Basic Skills, Budget Advisory Group (BAG), eBAG, and an ARC committee. She also cares deeply about the quality of teaching throughout the department, going out of her way to provide support and guidance.

Laura Wild

Laura Wild, senior associate faculty member from the Nutritional Science Department, exemplifies what it means to be a leader and a service-oriented citizen of our EvCC community. Not only does she provide the best experience possible for her own students, she goes beyond the classroom to improve the campus and local community. She serves as the faculty advisor for the Students for Environmental Action (SEA) Club, connects students to the campus greenhouse, organizes field trips for students, and much more. She has a tremendous impact on her students and the campus as a whole.

George Shuh Awards

The highest honors for EvCC employees are the George Shuh awards, established years ago by local businessman George Shuh. His children Tom and Bette continue their father’s legacy through their generous contributions that fund these awards for faculty, staff and administration members.

George Shuh Outstanding Faculty Award: Lynne Muñoz

Lynne Muñoz - Department Chair of Business & Applied TechnologyLynne Muñoz is the department chair of the Business and Applied Technology department. Lynne’s nominator shared that Lynne “exemplifies everything this award represents: commitment to excellence, effectiveness, dedication, and innovation.” 

As department chair, she played a pivotal role in the development of Everett Community College’s first Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree in accounting. She helped shepherd the degree through the state approval process last year; the program accepted its first cohort of students in Fall 2023. Now, she is helping shepherd the college’s second BAS degree, this time in Healthcare Management, through the state process, with a projected start date of Fall 2025.

“Lynne is consistently positive, open-minded, and transparent in all her communications,” her nominator wrote. “Her diplomacy and communication skills are legendary, and her can-do attitude, even in these difficult budgetary times, is remarkable. 

“She embodies the helpfulness and leadership effectiveness necessary to deal with a constantly changing career landscape, always with an unwavering student centric approach.”

George Shuh Outstanding Classified Staff Award: Lisa Fritch

Lisa Fritch - Program Specialist 3 at AMTECAs a program specialist 3 at AMTEC, Lisa Fritch “consistently demonstrates an unwavering commitment to helping students achieve their academic and personal goals,” her nominator shared. “Through various initiatives and day-to-day interactions, she has shown exceptional dedication to student success. Lisa is not only a source of support for students but also an innovator, continually seeking new ways to enhance their experience.”

During the annual Manufacturing Day event at AMTEC, EvCC introduces around 500 middle and high school students to the manufacturing industry, inspiring them to consider careers in this field. Lisa’s leadership and planning are responsible for the continued success of this event. Her nominator shared, “it requires extensive planning and preparation, and each year it is exceptionally successful, thanks to Lisa's efforts.” 

Through her years at EvCC, Lisa has spearheaded many successful initiatives,  including leading a Lean Kaizen project in 2016 which resulted in a 13.6-week administrative reduction in process time for nursing applications. All of Lisa’s work has contributed significantly to student success and retention.

Lisa’s nominator wrote: “I believe her outstanding contributions to our college and her dedication to student success make her a deserving candidate for this recognition.”

George Shuh Outstanding Exempt Administrator Award: Jenn Rhodes

Dean of Student Development - Jenn RhodesDean of Student Development Jenn Rhodes has widespread responsibilities on campus, administrating Athletics, Student LIFE, Center for Disability Services, Housing and Student Conduct. 

“Jenn is the epitome of what an EvCC employee should be,” her nominator wrote. “She is supportive, caring, involved, judicious, introspective, and accountable in her role and to the individuals she supervises. Her ability to be understanding and give grace, while also holding a line with others to make her expectations of them clear is what we should all strive to do.”

Jenn’s willingness to help and keep EvCC students’ best interest in mind in her work at the college is consistent and reliable. 

“Whether it is her involvement with BIT (Behavior Intervention Team), student leaders, Green Dot, Title IX, being part of the extended leadership team, supporting international students, or leading her student service departments - she always gives 110%,” her nominator shared. “Her commitment to the college and our mission comes through in her daily work with all of the college's stakeholders and it should be celebrated.”

Diversity and Inclusion Award

This award is given to an EvCC employee who best exemplifies the college’s core value commitment to diversity through tangible work.

Phebe Shen - Tenured Faculty Member in the English DepartmentPhebe Shen
A tenured faculty member in the English department, Phebe has spent the past two years working on the first capstone classes offered in EvCC’s new Diversity, Equity and Social Justice (DESJ) academic track. 

“While one could argue that she deserves praise for creating two new classes that focus on DESJ, the creation of the courses themselves is just a fraction of the work that Phebe has done and all in the name of DESJ, student engagement, and student learning,” Phebe’s nominator shared.

Phebe spent two years building partnerships around DESJ initiatives and goals with community members and EvCC groups, including the Everett City Council, Connect Casino, Hope Works, and many others. Phebe facilitated connections for students at EvCC including working with the Pride Center and providing services to immigrants.

Phebe brought speakers into her DESJ Capstone classes to speak to students about their community group and initiatives and brought EvCC faculty and staff to facilitate project opportunities to provide students with opportunities to create projects centered in DESJ. 

“The poster Phebe created to advertise the class noted this: ‘Want to make a difference?’ That is exactly what Phebe has done with her extensive work the past two years in making this class and these community and campus connections available to students,” the nominator wrote.

Emerging Classified Staff Award

This award is given to a classified staff member who has worked at EvCC fewer than five years and has emerged as someone who stands out among others.

Rachel Strachan - Outreach Specialist in Workforce FundingRachel Strachan
Rachel was the workforce funding department’s first outreach specialist and was recently promoted to Program Manager A doing worker retraining outreach. 

“Rachel has accomplished so much in a very short time,” shared her nominator. “She's established processes that help students connect to our funding and resources with ease. She's passionate about serving our students and finding innovative ways to decrease barriers and promote retention.” 

In addition to her primary duties, Rachel initiated and led the Adult Learners Task Force, bringing together a group of people to support students aged 25 and above. She helps run the Worker Retraining Advisory Board (WRAC) and has led discussions about allocation of grant funding. She pioneered EvCC's application for a Regional Challenge Grant, which EvCC just received to provide support for adult learners.

Her nominator wrote: “I cannot wait to see what she accomplishes in the next few years.”

Distinguished Classified Staff Award

This award is given to a classified staff member who has worked at EvCC at least five years and demonstrates extraordinary dedication and high-quality service to the college and community.

Sandra Mejia
As the bilingual program specialist 2 in Transitional Studies, Sandra Mejia is responsible for EvCC’s Spanish-language GED program, the I-BEST program for early childhood education, outreach for Transitional Studies, and coordination of school district satellites for Transitional Studies. She also volunteers to help other departments with interpretation for Spanish speakers.

“Sandra is extremely dedicated and caring towards every student she encounters and is a champion for them as well as her co workers!” Sandra’s nominator shared. “She shows up even when she is struggling and is always willing to help. Students line up just to see her or say hi. Everyone loves Sandra in transitional studies and we couldn't do the work we do without her knowledge, skill, and constant dedication!”

Extra Effort Awards

These awards are given to full- or part-time employees who go beyond the expectations of the job while exhibiting a spirit of cooperation and willingness to serve others.

Kit Apsel - Program Specialist 3 for STEM and Health ProfessionsKit Apsel

Kit Apsel is a program specialist 3 for the STEM and Health Professions division. Her nominator stated that Kit is “known as amazingly supportive and always willing to help make things better for both students and staff! She supports the faculty, staff, and students with passion and commitment. Kit always has a smile on her face and is very positive.” 

Kit’s proactive approach to both the nursing and medical assisting programs help facilitate and execute policies and changes to make improvements. 

Due to Kit’s organizational skills and willingness to help, she consistently exceeds the expectations of her job description, according to the nomination.

“Kit is an amazing resource to new instructors and is integral in getting them connected to resources, getting them on Canvas and helping orient them,” her nominator wrote. “She actively engages students when she sees them in the hall and lets them know she believes in them. I often see thanks-you cards from students in her office. She empowers staff to help themselves by offering training and - many times - sitting down one-on-one to explain things.” 

Boyd Culver - Maintenance Mechanic 3 and Darrell Gulliford - Maintenance Mechanic 2Darrell Gulliford and Boyd Culver

Maintenance Mechanic 3 Boyd Culver and Maintenance Mechanic 2 Darrell Gulliford and have over 50 years combined service at EvCC. They often work in tandem, and this is the second time they have received an EvCC employee award together in 10 years. 

Their nominator wrote: “Darrell and Boyd are always going the extra mile to help students and staff with a can-do attitude and always with a smile and a laugh. I always look forward to working with them on projects large and small. They are a big part of the ‘feeling of belonging’ at EvCC.”

Chuck Jones

Chuck Jones - Senior Associate Faculty in the Math DepartmentChuck Jones is a long-time senior associate in the math department who is doing wonderful work in and out of the classroom, his nominators wrote.

Diana Jaramillo wrote that she met Chuck in the Entry Advising Center when he came to consult on a few students he was supporting, wanting to make sure he was interpreting graduation requirements accurately. Since then, Diana shared that she has seen him a few times, as Chuck has made a habit of reviewing tricky advising cases with entry advisors.

Advising duties are newer for senior associates, and Chuck has made the additional effort needed to serve his assigned students well. 

A nominator wrote: “He's been wonderful to work with, ready to show what he has worked up and asking excellent nuanced questions. Advising work can get very complicated, and Chuck's efforts demonstrate the care needed to do a great job with the technical aspects, beyond the kindness and care he naturally exudes with students.”

His extra effort is also evident in his teaching. Before every class, Chuck prepares "story boards" to make the math concepts come alive for his students and give them the structure of the concepts he will be covering in class that day. These require a lot of extra time, and Chuck does these for every single class. He also gets to campus extra early to be available for his students before class. 

“Chuck is invested in the lives of his students and students really sense that. Students have such affection for Chuck,” a nominator wrote.

Debby Casson teaches many of the classes that Chuck's former students progress into. She wrote: “Not only are they prepared for my classes, but they speak so highly of Chuck. They demonstrate a great deal of respect, admiration and gratitude for Chuck. Chuck is also a great colleague who is personable and friendly.”

You Made a Difference Awards

Each year students nominate faculty, staff and administrators who made a difference in their lives. These are the only award winners nominated by students.

Diane Brown

Diane Brown - Tenured Faculty Member in the Psychology DepartmentDr. Diane Brown is a tenured faculty member at EvCC in the psychology department and also serves as director of EvCC’s Honors Program. 

Her nominator wrote: “I haven't taken Dr. Brown's class for neurodivergent (ND) students, but because she taught it, I learned about her from another ND student when I talked about wanting to start a support club at EvCC.”

The nominator reached out to Dr. Brown (having never met with or conversed with her previously) to pitch the idea for the support club. 

“She was immediately interested, because she had been trying to spread ND awareness on campus for awhile, but never got enough support behind it,” the nominator wrote. 

The Neurodivergent Student Support Club was created with the support of Dr. Brown and “has been my biggest accomplishment ever and has allowed me to help other students in ways that I wish I had been helped,” wrote the nominator. “Dr. Brown has been there the whole time, providing resources, ideas, and knowledge to spread awareness and educate people about neurodiversity. Thanks to Dr. Brown, me and 30 other students have a safe place where we can unmask and just be ourselves. 

“Neurodivergent people have needed advocacy for a long time, and she has done an excellent job of it. Dr. Brown has made a lot of us neurodivergent people feel validated and seen.”

Michael Callahan

Mike Callahan - Associate Faculty Member in the Welding departmentMichael (Mike) Callahan is an associate faculty member who teaches welding at EvCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center. 

His nominator shared: “Mike has been a huge role model and influence in my time at AMTEC as a female welding student here at EvCC. As a female going into a male dominated field, I was worried about how these instructors would view me and how I would be treated but Michael treated me like I was an equal, no judgment, no hesitation, and has helped me so much in learning to weld.” 

He provides exceptional student support. 

“AMTEC, and especially Mike in particular, has made me feel so at home and accepted as the men in my class and will not let them treat me differently, he does not tolerate it,” Mike’s nominator wrote. “I wish we had more instructors like that, he has had many female student welders take his classes just for that fact alone and I think that's a huge plus with being a minority in a male dominated field.”

In his classroom, his students see Mike as an amazing welding instructor who is kind, patient, funny, and treats all of his students like family. Mike balances ensuring full understanding of his students' mastering processes with fun and patience. 

“He allows us to take it slow until we feel comfortable, but he's also not afraid to show you if you need help,” his nominator said. 

Mike’s encouragement helps students learn and build confidence in themselves. He also gives great references and recommendations to help students gain entry-level welding jobs.

Eugene McAvoy

Eugene McAvoy - Dean of Student LIFEAssociate Dean of Student LIFE Eugene McAvoy was nominated by a student who shared their struggles with incarceration and returning to education:

“I worked with my education navigator at the prison, and she said I need to contact Eugene McAvoy and develop a plan,” the nominator wrote. “I was a little happy, because Mr. McAvoy was my English professor when I was attending several years back.”

Eugene’s nominator shared that Eugene changed their life. 

“Being able to attend EvCC allowed me to get grant money that allowed me to structure my life around school, and not try and fit school into my life,” they wrote. “If I would have had to wait just one quarter to attend, I would have needed to get a full-time job right away and I would have struggled to go to school.”

On a daily basis, Eugene helps students selflessly, his nominator said. 

“Eugene helped me not because I used to be a student of his, or because I was just released from prison, but because he believed in me - just like he believes in every student at EvCC,” they wrote. “He knew I saw the value in education and understood how important it was to me, so he persevered through countless hurdles. Mr. McAvoy wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he had the chance to make a difference in someone's life and he didn't do everything he could to help. I am so proud to be an Everett Community College student, and I want to personally thank Eugene McAvoy for making a difference in my life.”