JCRC Program Courses

Language & Culture Courses

Half Size Tea Ceremony PhotoThe Japanese Cultural Resource Center works closely with EvCC's World Languages Program instructors to provide enhancements to course curricula. Courses involved with the JCRC include include traditional language instruction (Japanese 121, 122, 123, 221, 222 and 223) as well as hybrid formats for language instruction (Japanese 121-HY, 122-HY, 123-HY) and on-line formats for Anime/Magna (Art 228D-OL) and Japanese History/Culture (HUM 160D-OL).  The courses apply toward the college's diversity course requirements also apply toward the JCRC's Endorsement in US/Japan Intercultural Fundamentals program.

Registration is through EvCC Registration / Admission Office.  For more information on Japanese language and culture courses please contact Takako Wolf at twolf@everettcc.edu

Hybrid Courses in Japanese Language!

EvCC is offering a hybrid format for first year Japanese language courses.  The hybrid format allows students to achieve 5 credits in Japanese 121, 122 & 123 by attending one face-to-face class per week with other instruction taking place on-line.  Please check the college schedule for current course listings.   

image of Japanese hybrid language course

For more information call
Mayumi Nishiyama Smith, JCRC Director at 425-388-9380