Faculty Development Committee

The Faculty Development Committee (FDC) is a group of faculty members at Everett Community College who are tasked with allocating EvCC’s Professional Development Fund. The funding of professional development comes primarily from College in the High School revenue. The EvCC Foundation has also regularly contributed to this fund (as their funding levels allow). Hannah Lovett, Director of Educational Technology, is the fund’s budget authority. The current Faculty Development Committee is Marianne Le (chair), Sandra Andrade, Aaron Barrell, Andrea Cahan, Michael Nevins, Kerri Schwab, and Mike VanQuickenborne.

FDC Off-Cycle applications are now open for opportunities through June 30, 2025.  Applications for the mini-grants are reviewed on a monthly basis by the committee.  See the Off-Cycle grant guidelines for more details.

FDC regular applications are now open for professional development opportunities occurring from June 30 - December 31, 2025.  The applications closes April 16, 2025.

Structure for Allocating Professional Development Funds

FDC awards are allocated three times per year. Each Faculty member is limited to $1,500 per academic year (AY). The following table describes the funding periods and when decisions are made on FDC awards.

Professional Development Period FDC Deliberate Disbursement of Funds
11/1 - 3/15 3rd week of fall quarter
2/10 - 7/30 2nd week of winter quarter
6/30 - 12/31 3rd week of spring quarter

The FDC does not provide professional development funding outside of this funding structure. Division deans may be able to provide small amounts of funding for professional development activities. Also, the Foundation is often able to provide funds to individual faculty members who are planning to present at a workshop or conference.

Ranking FDC Applications

The FDC uses the following structure to rank and fund applications, to the levels allowed by the fund balance.

  1. Applications will first be split into two groups, Tier 1 and Tier 2.
    • Tier 1: Applications from applicants who received less than $1500 in the two previous AY combined.
    • Tier 2: Applications from applicants who received equal to or more than $1500 in the two previous AY combined.
  2. Committee members will then rank applications within these tiers based on the following ranking system. Each member of the committee will rate (from 0 to 2) how well the application meets each of the following objectives.
    • To help faculty increase knowledge of their subject matter.
    • To help faculty develop their instructional, counseling and library-media skills.
    • To foster an intellectual community in the faculty member’s field. 
  3. The committee will then meet and use the above ratings to rank applications, within their tier groups. If an application earns a zero in all categories from most members of the committee, the committee will consider denying the funding request.
  4. Beginning with Tier 1, applications will be funded based on their ordered ranking, as funding levels allow. If more funding is available after all Tier 1 applications are funded, the applications in Tier 2 will be funded in their ranked order, as funding levels allow.

The FDC always appreciates feedback on the process used to allocate professional development funds. The FDC regularly uses the Faculty Forum as a place to generate feedback on how the FDC supports professional development at EvCC.  

FDC Resources for Faculty Lock Icon