Teaching & Learning Retreat 2016

Learning is Alive poster

Learning is Alive
Camp Killoqua 
February 12-13, 2016

Retreat image 1  Retreat image 2  Retreat image 3

Retreat Program 
Packing list 
Driving directions 
Recap video 

2016 Retreat Schedule 

Friday, February 12th 


4:30 - 5:30 PM

Registration and getting settled in your cabin

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Dinner - be prompt!

7:00  - bedtime

Fireside chat, first annual cookie smack-down, scary stories, and lots more!


Saturday, February 13th      


8:00 - 8:30 AM

Registration and Coffee

8:30 - 9:00 AM

Breakfast Bingo!

9:30 - 10:00 AM

Karen Linton: Learning from Our Students’ Mistakes

Valerie Mosser: Developing OER—Travels with Valerie

10:00 - 10:30 AM

Katie Jensen and Chayuda Overby: Mentoring as Disruptive Innovation

Alison Stevens: An Overview of Guided Pathways

10:30 - 10:45 AM


10:45 - 11:15 AM

Peg Balachowski: Trigger Warnings: Should They Be Stopped?

Kathy Bentson: Enhancing Students’ Individual Transition to a Growth Mindset

Dan Murphy: Grant Seeking Help - 5 cents

11:15 - 11:45 AM


Beth Adolphsen: What Does Your Syllabus Say About You? 

Debe Franz:  Positive Psychology: Practical Applications in the Classroom

Dan Murphy: Grant Seeking Help -  5 cents

12:00 - 1:00 PM


1:00 - 2:00 PM

Jason Smith, Brett Kuwada and Laurie Franklin: The Force Awakens -Microaggressions

2:00 - 2:15 PM


2:15 - 2:45 PM

Penny Perka: The Tiny Habit Construction Zone

Karen Ehnat: Today’s Word Made Accessible

2:45 - 3:15 PM

Beverly Anderson: Applying Yogic Principles to Catch a Glimpse of Enlightenment

Jason Smith: Line Up!!

3:15 - 3:45 PM

Closing and Mocktails: Big Ideas Share-out

3:45 - 4:00 PM

Cleanup and Saying Good-byes