Education Department
Students may pursue a major in Elementary Education by following the Associate in Arts and Sciences - Transfer DTA degree which leads to transfer to a four-year college or university. With this degree, students will have completed most or all of the lower-division, general education requirements typically required within a bachelor’s degree. The complete description of this degree program, with a checklist, is provided in the Associate in Arts and Sciences - Option II Guide. Also, since every college or university may have different requirements for entering and completing a teacher certification program, students are advised to pay special attention to the recommendations in the guide and to be in direct contact with education advisors at EvCC and at the intended university.
Elementary education students complete their four-year degree and teaching accreditation requirements at the same time within a four to five-year period. Secondary education students should focus on the discipline they want to teach for the first four years. After they graduate with a degree in their discipline, then they take a fifth year or Master's in Teaching program to become accredited to teach at the secondary level. Western Washington University offers a Master's in Teaching program on the Everett Community College campus. Students interested in becoming an education paraprofessional can earn a two-year certificate at Everett Community College. This is a non-transferable degree.
Everett Community College also offers degrees and certificates in Early Childhood Education, which is a separate department.