Program Map for Medical Coding
Medical Coding Certificate
Program Description
Our Medical Coding Program is a 65-credit fully online program that prepares you for coding certification and entry-level employment in a coding profession. A medical coding specialist assigns a universal numerical code to each symptom, treatment, diagnosis, and procedure. Knowledge of healthcare, disease process, and treatments is used to expertly determine these codes. These codes are used to report diseases and accidents and to inform third-party payers of services performed. Without knowledgeable medical coders, medical insurance claims could not be paid. Also, knowledge of medical insurance and government payer expectations are used for reimbursement. Critical thinking, attention to detail, and accuracy are essential in this field.
Program Information and Costs
Everett Community College offers a Medical Coding program that is completely online and charges “fees” to students for their classes instead of tuition. This enables students from outside Washington State to complete the online program at a reasonable cost. The Medical Billing Specialist program is also offered online. However, the Medical Billing Specialist program charges “tuition” for each required class. Students who are not Washington State residents may have to pay out-of-state tuition. Information about tuition and fees can be found at the tuition rates website and the Medical Coding home page.
Students earning a C- or lower in required classes will need to repeat the class; additional fees or tuition apply. Financial Aid is available for eligible students to assist in meeting the costs of the programs. Students are encouraged to apply for Financial Aid early.
A certificate or degree is awarded once students have completed the required course work with a C or better in each required class and after an application for each certificate or degree is approved by the college.
Program Advisors
Medical Coding Program Director
Karla Pouillon, RN, M.Ed.,CCS,CPC
Christine Malone, EdD, MBA, MHA, CMPE, CPHRM, FACHE
- Medical Billing Specialist Certificate Checklist
- Medical Coding Certificate Checklist
- Medical Coding and Billing ATA Checklist
- Pre-College to College English and Math Checklist
Notes on using this map:
* indicates an elective course that is recommended but not required and could be substituted with another appropriate course. For example, ENGL& 102* on a map means that ENGL& 102* is recommended, but any 5-credit course from the Basic Communication Skills list on the DTA would also be acceptable.
→ indicates a pre-requisite relationship. For example, MATH&141→ MATH&142 on a map indicates that a student must pass MATH& 141 before taking MATH& 142
(F, W, Sp, Su) indicates the quarters in which a course is offered, if not offered every quarter. For example, ART 116 (W) means that ART 116 is only offered during Winter quarters
TS stands for Transitional Studies. Courses taken through the Transitional Studies department do not qualify for financial aid but cost only $25 per quarter. To see if you qualify, contact the Advising Center at or 425-388-9339.
& as part of a course number (e.g. ACCT& 202) indicates that the course is part of the Common Course Numbering System
D as part of a course number (e.g. ENGL& 102D) indicates that the course fulfills the Diversity Course requirement for the AAS-DTA degree
This icon is used for course requirements.
The learning objectives of this course are the foundation of future courses in this pathway. Success in critical courses positions you to be successful in later courses in this pathway.
This icon is used for mandatory or recommended actions related to advising.
Before you can take your college-level courses, you may need to complete prerequisites.
Attend an Information Session to decide on your first quarter courses.
Prepare for college-level math
If your math placement is below MATH 76, you’ll need to take the following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:
- TS 60 →TS 70
Prepare for college-level English
If your English placement is below ENGL& 101, you’ll need to take following sequence of courses, starting from the level you placed into:
Note: English language learners may need additional courses before ENGL/TS 97 depending on their placement.
Take CL 101 - Computer Literacy if you are not confident in your computer skills. Students are strongly advised to possess computer skills that include word-processing, file-saving and transfer, internet and email use. Lack of competence in these skills may result in an inability to complete program requirements.
Before registering each quarter, check your degree planner to see what classes you should take to stay on track. See your faculty program advisor with any questions you have.
Recommended Actions
- Looking for more support and assistance by phone, tablet, or computer? Visit the Online Student Support and Resources page.
- Do you qualify for Financial Aid? Fill out a FAFSA or WASFA and visit the Financial Aid Office to begin talking about how to pay for college.
- Visit the Tutoring Center, Writing Center, and the Library.
- Consider registering for a study skills class offered by DEVED department.
- Get involved with Student LIFE and join a campus club.
- See if you qualify for TRiO, MESA, scholarships, or support from CDS.
- Talk to your Faculty Program Advisor ar attend an Information Session for more details.
Complete college-level courses. Focus on those that fit in the Healthcare Pathway so that if you change to another Healthcare program, most of the credits you’ve earned already will apply to your new goal.
Take MATH 76 or BUS 130 - Mathematical Literacy or Business Math
Take ENGL 98 - Introduction to College Writing or ENGL& 101 - English Composition I
Take MC 103 - Introduction to Administrative Medical Office
Take MC 118 - Health Information Delivery
MC 120 - Healthcare vocabulary
MC 137 - Structure & Function of the Human Body
MC 120 - MC 143 - Pathopharmacology (Completion of MC 137 pre-requisite is a must)
Recommended Actions
Check back in with your faculty program advisor to discuss if this is the right program for you and update your plan of study as needed.
- If you haven't already, join a club that aligns with your interest.
Complete specific degree requirements and begin preparing for graduation and transfer. If you change to another program in this phase, some credits earned may not apply to your new program.
Take MC 147 - Introduction to Diagnosis Coding
Take MC 151 - Introduction to Procedure Coding
Take MC 218 - Reimbursement & Legal Compliance (PR MC 118)
Take MC 247 - Advanced Diagnosis Coding (PR MC 147)
Take MC 251 - Advanced Procedure Coding (PR MC 151)
Take HLTH 150D - Intercultural Communication in Health Care
Recommended Actions
Check back in with your faculty program advisor to discuss transfer options and career opportunities. Discuss transfer universities and requirements for the anthropology major
Complete all remaining degree/certificate requirements before you graduate and transfer.
Take MC 280 - Professional Practice Experience (to be taken after completionof all Medical Coding Certificate courses completed with a C or higher)
Prepare for one of the national certification exams. See your faculty program advisor for more details.
Apply for graduation at least one quarter in advance.
Recommended Actions
Meet with your faculty program advisor to make sure all degree/certificate requirements are met.