SwiftStudent Free Financial Aid Help

Swift Student Start My Appeal Graphic

SwiftStudent is the new free, digital resource that helps EvCC students request changes to their college financial aid packages.

Find SwiftStudent at https://formswift.com/swift-student.

SwiftStudent offers college students: 

  • a guide to request additional financial aid when your economic circumstances have changed, such as changes due to COVID-19
  • a way to start the appeal conversation with financial aid officers
  • clear information about financial aid requirements and appeal types
  • customizable template letters to help you share your situation with your school

Through SwiftStudent, students can learn about the financial aid appeal process, review eligibility requirements, and customize free template appeal letters to submit to their college financial aid office. 

SwiftStudent is available to all students receiving Federal Aid or Washington State Aid free to use, and does not share or sell personal data. SwiftStudent guides users through the appeal process relating to numerous special circumstances where a student may be eligible for an adjustment to their financial aid, such as recent job loss of a parent, a medical crisis, and loss of childcare or housing. SwiftStudent offers templates that address over 14 types of appeals, accompanied by an extensive resource guide.

You can find this free tool at https://formswift.com/swift-student