Work Study
Work study programs provide part-time employment to eligible students on and off campus. The maximum a student can earn is determined by financial need and funds available. Every effort is made to place students in jobs that relate to their training. Everett Community College participates in federal, state, and WorkFirst Work Study programs.
In order to be eligible for work study, a student must file a financial aid application (FAFSA or WASFA) and be determined to have a demonstrated need. Financial aid may determine whether a position is federal or state. Students must be enrolled and maintain a minimum of 6 credits to be eligible for this program.
Eligible students will be contacted by the Financial Aid office with further instructions on how to find a work study position and may be awarded work study as part of their financial aid award offer. Satisfactory work performance is required for continued employment. Wages are paid twice monthly. The hourly pay rate is determined by the Financial Aid Office based on job responsibilities.
If at any time you are unhappy or uncomfortable at your work site, the Financial Aid Work Study Coordinator is available to assist and support you with your employment concerns. Primary emphasis is made on assuring that the student is placed in a position which is educationally beneficial and relates to the student's academic program or career interest.
Have you been offered Work Study and want to work?
Application Procedures
- Complete an online Work Study application with the Financial Aid office. Eligible students will be contacted close to the start of the first quarter they are offered funding. Please note: Due to 2024-25 FAFSA delays, if you are attending Summer 2024 there may be a delay in receiving your initial Work Study email until early or mid July.
- Receive a follow up email with instructions of how to find a job.
- Apply for the position(s) that interest you.
Work Study Jobs can be viewed online on the Student Job Center. Please contact the job center or if you need assistance logging in to the system.
Employers, if you are interested in having a Work Study position at your company, please contact Financial Aid Office at 425-388-9280 for more information on the generous reimbursement this program offers.