Opportunity Grant Program

The Opportunity Grant program supports educational training for low-income students pursuing careers in high-wage, high-demand occupations by funding 45 credits of tuition and fees. Individual student support services are an important part of the program, and include a Program Specialist who will help connect students with college services and resources, career and educational advising, and funds for books, supplies, and tools. 


You may be eligible for the Opportunity Grant program if:


Opportunity Grant students are required to sign the Opportunity Grant Student Agreement and abide by the terms thereof, which include, but are not limited, to:

  • Inform the Program Specialist via email of their registration
  • Meet with a program advisor or Workforce Funding Counselor to create an Academic Plan
  • Submit an Academic Plan before the first quarter of attending classes 
  • Be registered ONLY in the classes on your curriculum checklist/academic plan

Approved Programs of Study

What We Offer

  • Tuition and fees for up to 45 credits limit, but not for more than three years from initial receipt of grant funds
  • Up to $1,000 per academic year for books, supplies, and tools
  • Individual support to connect with college services and resources
  • Academic and career advising

How to Apply

Workforce Funding Application

To increase accessibility and streamline our application process, the Workforce Funding Department has created a joint application for all our grant programs. With a single application, you can apply for BFET, Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, and the Opportunity Grant. Our new application is now available online and will automatically upload to your grant program! Download the Workforce Funding Application and instructionsPDF icon


Please review the sidebar for upcoming availability and campus closures.

In Person: Opportunity Grant is located within the Workforce Funding Department, Parks Student Union Room 307 (view campus map)
Phone: 425-259-8925 
Text: 425-388-9106
Email: opportunitygrant@everettcc.edu 

The Opportunity Grant adheres to the Familly Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations. Download the FERPA Policy