Campus Enhancement Fee
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Campus Enhancement Fee?
A: In Spring of 2007 the students of EvCC voted in an election to assess themselves a fee to support major campus upgrades to student space at EvCC.
Q: How much is the fee?
A: The fee is $5 per credit, up to 10 credits (Maximum of $50 per quarter)
Q: When did collection of the fee begin?
A: The fee was not charged until the new Student Fitness Center opened in January 2011.
Q; What does the Campus Enhancement Fee pay for?
A: Building the new fitness and athletic center, expansion of the Parks Student Union including a new cafeteria, increased student lounge space and new/expanded Russell Day Art Gallery, renovation of the library to include increased student quiet and group study space, creating park & pay parking lots, creating the EvCC Bike Station, etc.
Q: Is the college contributing to the cost of these projects?
A: Yes. The college will fund 60% of the projects and the students 40%.
Q: When did the Parks Student Union Expansion (café/bistro, gallery, etc.) open?
A: The Parks Student Union expansion opened on schedule at the beginning of Spring Quarter 2011.
Q: Do students have to pay to use the gym?
A: No. Students will not have to pay to use the gym. College employees choosing to use the gym will be required to pay a quarterly fee.

Drawing of new fitness center courtesy of SRG Partnership Inc.